PSI DHIS2 Operational Guidelines
PSI DHIS2 Operational Guidelines
PSI DHIS2 SOPs set the guidance for blah blah
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AAdmin Tools - new for 2.38We list here the different admin tools released in 2.7 & 2.38 that are relevant for PSI. Data Approval app [continuous delivery] No yet deployed on PSI servers. Under testing. image-20230319-180512.png A new data approval app is available, supporting mult
Analytics - new for 2.38 (and 2.37)
A selected list of analytics features relevant for PSI Line Listing application [continuous delivery] A new application for producing line lists of tracked entities in DHIS2. The new line listing application replicated all of the line listing functionalit
Analytics - New for v40 (and 2.39)
New or updated analytics features for v40 and 2.39 Visualizer Single value: legend sets and icons [v40] Legend colours can now be applied to the background of a single value chart, allowing to more easily render performance current value based on a traffi
BBlueprints - CSV to DHIS2Data elements Column Required Value (default first) Description Name Yes Name. Max 230 char. Unique. UID No UID Stable identifier. Exactly 11 alpha-numeric characters, beginning with a character. Will be generated by system if not specified. Code No Stabl
CCapture and Quality - new for 2.38 (and 2.37)Capture app [continuous release app] The capture app was initially only able to manage simple events. SInce 2.36 it has been possible to see tracker enrollments, but not really possible to manipulate them. yF9wEBq4bOY2lNfpUuzYa2rSTuG5_DjPuldU-gt54aAk0NEiJ
Creating and Editing User at PSI
minimal data at PSI Types of accounts PSI staff - SSO with PSI.org http://PSI.org Azure NON -PSI.org accounts - expiration dates Technical staff Application integration Web accounts vs Android accounts Assigning OUs at PSI Assigning Roles at PSI Assigned
Creating or Modifying a DHIS2 Configuration
Audience System Administrators Version/ Date v0.1 | Nov 25/2022 Collection DHIS2 PSI SOPs Note: this SOP applies to both, new designs, as well as changes to active configurations. The process of designing and building a DHIS2 configuration (aggregated or
DDevelopers - new for 2.38Data store improvements [2.37-2.38] The data store API has received numerous improvements to make it a fully-fledged data store and more useful to web apps and other clients. Video https://youtu.be/L_x2C5a1EGE | DHIS2 documentation https://docs.dhis2.org/
Development and Installation of DHIS2 Apps
Audience System Administrators, DHIS2 developers Version/ Date v0.1 | Nov 25/2022 Collection DHIS2 PSI SOPs Effective date Table of contents Introduction DHIS2 apps can be downloaded or build to enhanced the standard DHIS2 functionality by supporting n
DHIS Help Desk tickets
Audicence: Final users submitting tickets Submitting DHIS2 tickets Requisites: you need to have a help desk account
DHIS space ToC - proposal Aug 2023
DHIS2 at PSI Current version What’s new in 2.40 What’s new 2.38 PSI Global Config APPs in use Integrations list naming Convention Processes Servers/ Environment Creating new configurations & Moving configurations https://psi.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DHIS
DHIS Working Environments - usage
This page an adaptation of the generic Environments - usage guidelines, specific for PSI’s DHIS system environments. Most of the system configurations and products that we develop at PSI go through a process of development and testing, before their releas
DHIS2 2.38 at PSI - April 2024
selected list of 2.37 and 2.38 features that are relevant to PSI users @self Also available as a slide deck https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1QWk_NvakgD_jJCPIr6kihRBPWpR95HhTBd8Onz6GAIw/edit#slide=id.g21ffb71a086_0_1482 You can find further informat
DHIS2 abbreviations
DE Data Elements link to DHIS2 doc OU Organisation Unit TEA TEI
DHIS2 Apps
Web Apps This is the list of apps that are currently built within DHIS2, this does not include apps included by default. App/Program name Status Support team Test team Testing status Update date 1 PCA In Development/ Testing Mario López Fernando Gómez KTT
DHIS2 Apps Sharing Settings - Accessing
Log In Details Your Line Manager or Head of Department will provide you with the following details: Username - This cannot be changed. Password - This must be changed once you have logged for the first time. URL - Used by your device to connect to a DHIS2
DHIS2 Apps Sharing Settings - Available Objects
The Sharing Settings App makes it easy to control who can access and modify DHIS2 Objects. DHSI2 offers two types of permissions (although some objects don’t support Data Permissions): Metadata Permissions Data Permissions When we refer to sharing Metadat
DHIS2 Apps Sharing Settings - Bulk Mode
The Bulk Mode allows Users to configure Sharing Settings for multiple objects, streamlining the process in scenarios with many objects. This feature proves especially valuable during Program creation, facilitating the application of the same sharing setti
DHIS2 Apps Sharing Settings - Common Errors
Frequent errors may manifest when the sharing settings are improperly configured, potentially resulting in complications when attempting to access to the Metadata or Data of the Objects. Editing access level When updating the access level for a user or us
DHIS2 Apps Sharing Settings - DHIS2 Compatibility
The Sharing Settings App can be installed on various DHIS2 Servers Versions. To guarantee seamless functionality, rigorous testing has been conducted. The table below outlines the compatibility of the app with each server, ensuring a reliable and consiste
DHIS2 Apps Sharing Settings - Filters
The Sharing Settings App incorporates filters to streamline the search for specific objects. These filters narrow down search results, leading to more efficient pagination and reducing the need for extensive searches. Search by Name The entered text will
DHIS2 Apps Sharing Settings - First Steps
DHIS2 Apps Sharing Settings - Individual Mode The Individual Mode allows Users to configure the Sharing Settings for an individual Object. To Access to the Individual Mode, follow these steps: Click on the Individual Mode Tab. All Elements related to the selected objects will be displayed in a table
DHIS2 Apps Sharing Settings - Modes
DHIS2 Apps Sharing Settings - Navigating Accessing Sharing Settings Dashboard Once you have logged in to your DHIS2 User Account, follow these steps: Click on the App Menu (Three dots) in the top right corner. Click on the Sharing Settings App Icon. note Please Note: if you do not see the Sharin
DHIS2 Apps Sharing Settings - Quality Assurance and Troubleshooting
DHIS2 Apps Sharing Settings - Verifying the changes The Sharing Settings App allows users to configure object permissions efficiently. While it provides a seamless means to make adjustments, it is good to uphold best practices by validating the precision of applied changes. To do this verification process,
DHIS2 Category Combos at PSI
In this page Types of Category Combinations DHIS2 Category Combos are the result of combining various DHIS2 Categories, like Sex and Age Groups, to create a new set of combinations. example of a category combo that uses sex and age groups categories_datas
DHIS2 Core Organisation Unit Group Sets (OUGS) at PSI
Org Unit Group Sets (OUGS) are used to create analytical dimensions that help to disaggregate the collected data (events or aggregated) based on the ‘type’ (Org Unit Group) of the corresponding facility or worker. In most cases OUGS are created as private
DHIS2 Custom Reports
Project Custom Report Support team Test team MPHD Organisation Unit Template Submission Status Report Juan Flamenco Utsav Koju CORE HSR KH MAL LS - HTS
DHIS2 Global Configurations
Configuration name Details Product Owner Support team Test team 1 HNQIS 1.x [Tracker] Data set for Global Analytics, current configuration is widely used Amber Cristina Henry Lopez Ignacio Global 2 HNQIS2 [Tracker] Program for Global Analytics, current co
DHIS2 Home
HNIQS.jpeg Welcome to your new space Use it to create something wonderful. To start, you might want to: Customise this overview using the edit icon at the top right of this page. Create a new page by clicking the + in the space sidebar, then go ahead and
DHIS2 Integrations
Applications that send data to PSI’s DHIS2 API Project DHIS2 target Front End Support team Test team Testing status Update date BI Burundi ITN USSD Program with Registration: CwS - BI - USSD USSD Custom app Moses Njenga ZIM VMMC Program with Registration:
DHIS2 Servers managed by PSI
PSI Servers Server URL Purpose Backup & Restore [UTC] Analytics Frequency & Strategy [UTC] Contact person Production data.psi-mis.org http://data.psi-mis.org Production system where all data is captured in a daily basis N/A - Main server 1 year: At 9, 12,
DHIS2 servers upgrading to v40
On this page: 240.psi-mis.org http://240.psi-mis.org The main testing environment is already running at 240.psi-mis.org http://240.psi-mis.org/. The database on this environment is a copy of production, which we refresh based on the schedule below. Refres
DHIS2 ticket resolution
Audience: help desk officer
DHIS2 upgrade process (Draft)
Audience System Administrators Version/ Date v0.1 | Dec 6/ 2022 Collection DHIS2 PSI Operational Procedures Upgrade cycle PSI performs the DHIS2 upgrade once a year in order to take advantage of the most recent features available in the platform and w
DHIS2 User Roles at PSI
Introduction An user role is a group of authorities that allow a group of users to commit certain activities within the DHIS2 server instance. Within the PSI context, these user roles allow PSI employees to perform certain activities around data entry, da
DHIS2 v40 at PSI - what's new? - July 2024
By July 1st, PSI DHIS2 users are planned to have access to the latest stable release of DHIS2, now referred to as version 40 (v40). PSI has been running DHIS 2.38 since late 2022. The upgrade to DHIS2 v40 includes features originally released in both DHIS
Doc guides
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FFor Developers - New for v40 (and 2.39)(Preview) Event Hooks [v40] The event hook API can help you automate workflows and keep your systems in sync with each other by allowing users to subscribe to two types of events that occur within the DHIS2: metadata events and scheduler events. Video htt
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HHow to Automate Data Exchanges using RHow to Exchange Access Collaborative Data from Kobo Toolbox to DHIS2 What is this? This is a step-by-step guide on how to exchange Access Collaborative (AC) data from Kobo Toolbox to our psi DHIS2. It's meant for System Admin or developers working on AC kobo data, or looking to exchange data between Kobo Toolbox & DHIS2. K
II Cannot Capture Data for an Specific Org UnitIn DHIS your user setup includes a limited number of Org Units for which you are capable to capture data. Additionally DataSets and Programs are also enable for specific Org Units. Image of the capture Org Unit tree If you cannot see an org unit for which
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MMoving a DHIS2 Configuration to Production (Deployment)Audience System Administrators Version/ Date v0.1 | Nov 25/2022 v0.2 | Sep 11/2022 - small edits DHIS2 configurations are created and modified on designated development/testing environment. Only after a full testing cycle, and with the final approval from
NNaming Conventions in DHIS2Screenshot 2023-03-20 at 01.06.44.png Naming the different objects in DHIS2 in a consistent, organised way facilitates the work that we all do in our shared instance of DHIS2. It helps systems administrator when building data collection tool, or the thous
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PPlatform - new for 2.38The features listed here are not a comprehensive list of 2.37 & 2.38 platform features, and deliberately omits technical features that are not directly controlled by users at PSI, and instead are controlled by the platform administrators. Continuous app d
Platform Features - New for v40 (and 2.39)
On this page: New application icons v40 has new modernised DHIS2 app icons version which use a consistent design throughout. legacy icons → new v40 app icons Screenshot 2024-03-30 at 07.10.58.png User group management [2.39] The user group management of u
PSI DHIS2 Operational Guidelines
PSI DHIS2 SOPs set the guidance for blah blah @self
PSI DHIS2 Sharing Settings App
DHIS2 offers the capability to share diverse objects to restrict access, although the process can be challenging due to lack of native support for bulk assignment of permissions to multiple objects simultaneously. This complexity becomes particularly evid
PSI's DHIS Organisation Units Tree
In DHIS2 Organisation Units are used to represent administrative subdivisions for which we can collect and later analyse data. Organisation units are organized within a hierarchy, also referred to as a tree. The hierarchy will reflect the organizational/
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SSafeguards at PSI to ensure user database is updatedAccounts not in used are expired.. SSO is in place form march 2023 ? Who is responsible of decommissioning account? Not needed if for SSO… what about the none-psi accounts… Policy? Review of users with ‘all’ authority Review of the sharing of Programs wit
TTesting DHIS2 configurations and appsAudience System Administrators Version/ Date v0.1 | Nov 29/2022 Collection DHIS2 PSI SOPs As all software developments, you need to test the final solution to ensure that it works as expected. The requirements doc (part of the requirements pack LINK)
Testing DHIS2 v40
Testing PSI’s DHIS2 v40 upgrade is a collaborative effort between the DHIS2 global team and the DHIS2 country administrators. At the central level, the DHIS2 global team will conduct comprehensive performance tests to simulate user loads during common ope
TOCs for SOPs and Documentation
Introduction This article is intended to indicates how a Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) and overall documentation, linked to these SOPs, are structured. This is basically a table of content of what each kind of documentation should include. Users T
Tracker and Events - New for v40 (and 2.39)
Continuously released Capture App The Capture app was released shortly after the 2.38 release on the App Hub, and is now continuously released in 2.38 and 2.39. If you are running any of these versions you will be able to continuously upgrade to the lates
UUser Management and PermissionsIntroduction User account management is a key responsibility for local DHIS2 admins with system administration tasks. Managing users, user roles, and user groups ensures that users have access to relevant areas and functions of the system for data entry a
User Roles
Coming in version 40, DHIS2 user roles across PSI servers have been upgraded. Many of the existing user roles have been revamped, and some others deleted. Here is the list of the user roles that will be available from version 40 and onwards: User Role Des
Using mobiles devices with DHIS2 at PSI
Devices selection and management Mobile Device Specs and Acquisition Planning 2. User setup You may want to have a separate account to your nomal “web” accountl…
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