Development and Installation of DHIS2 Apps

Development and Installation of DHIS2 Apps


System Administrators, DHIS2 developers

Version/ Date

v0.1 | Nov 25/2022



 Effective date


Table of contents


DHIS2 apps can be downloaded or build to enhanced the standard DHIS2 functionality by supporting new data entry or analytical workflows, data or metadata processing or integrations with other platforms.

DHIS2 apps will only allow a user to execute those actions that his/her user roles gives permission (authorities). Nevertheless, because apps can change data and metadata in the server, a poorly designed and tested app could corrupt the data or configuration for a server affecting multiple users.


  • Custom or DHIS2 store app for data capture or analytics (new app or update)

  • Custom of DHIS2 store app for metadata manipulation

  • API integrations

Types of apps

In generals applications for data visualisation are the less risky ones. Application that capture data, or import/ export data need to be thoroughly tested, before deployment. Last, applications that manipulate metadata in a server should never be installed on a production environment. Instead, they should be only used on a dev/staging environment, and the results should be exported as a metadata pack and then imported into prod. See Moving a DHIS2 Configuration to Production (Deployment)

should you install on -->


Development, Staging

should you install on -->


Development, Staging

Data Capture


YES, for thorough testing

Data visualisation


YES, for testing

Data Import, export


YES, for testing

Metadata manipulation


YES, and probably only here

App development team

Developing and deploying a DHIS2 app requires multi-disciplinary team, with different





App (Product) Owner

Responsible for:

  • Defining and document the list of requirements the App should meet

  • Actively participating and document changes during the design and build phase

  • Keeping the documentation up to date


Building the solution by using DHIS2 web-app recommended practices. See DHIS2 developer portal.

Quality Assurance (QA) officer

Creating and executing the testing script based on the requirements doc, as well as other basic security and functionality criteria. See DHIS2 testing.

UAT / End Users

Represented by the product owner and a selected final users, who represent the different actors that will use the solution. They test the solution to ensure that it meets the business needs and it is capable of producing the expected outcomes. See DHIS2 testing.

System Administrator

Ensures that the app meets the technical requirements, and conducts the deployment to the production environment.

See also

Testing DHIS2 configurations and apps

Moving a DHIS2 Configuration to Production (Deployment)









Nov 29/ 2022

R. Melia - first draft





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