DHIS2 Apps Sharing Settings - Bulk Mode
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  • DHIS2 Apps Sharing Settings - Bulk Mode

    The Bulk Mode allows Users to configure Sharing Settings for multiple objects, streamlining the process in scenarios with many objects. This feature proves especially valuable during Program creation, facilitating the application of the same sharing settings across various Data Elements, Program Stages, and more.

    To access the Bulk Mode, follow these steps:

    1. Open the Sharing Settings App.

    2. Select an Object in the Side Menu.

    3. Select the Bulk Mode.

    Image 1: Bulk Mode

    The Bulk Mode consists of three steps to configure Sharing Settings:

    1. Select the Object: This step introduces two boxes. The left box displays all available items related to the object selected in the side menu. The displayed results may vary based on applied filters; for further details, consult the filters section.

    2. Define and Access Options: In this step, configure sharing settings for all the objects selected in the previous steps.

    3. Summary: This section provides an overview of all applied sharing settings.

    Step 1: Select the Object

    The initial phase for configuring multiple objects involves selecting the objects. This section encompasses the following components (See Image 2):

    1. Available Objects: The left box showcases all available items related to the selected object.

    2. Arrows Icon: These icons facilitate the movement of objects between the boxes.

    3. Object Selected: This box displays the objects moved from the left box, and the configured sharing settings are applied to them.

    4. Assign All Button: Transfers all objects displayed in the left box to the right box.

    5. Cancel Button: Redirects the user to the Main Screen.

    6. Back Button: Allows the user to return to the previous steps. In this case, being the first step, the application displays the button as disabled.

    7. Next Button: Progresses the user to Step 2.

    Image 2: Bulk Mode - Select the Object

    Step 2: Define sharing and access options

    The second step displays the current sharing settings for the selected objects and displays the fields to configure the sharing settings.

    This section encompasses the following components (See Image 3):

    1. User or Group: This field search into the server the results with the name entered, the user selected in this field will be added to the access list.

    2. Access level: The type of access that Users or Groups will have assigned, the access levels are the following:

      1. View only

      2. View and Edit

    3. Give Access button: The button initial be displayed as disabled until the user and access level will be filled in.

    4. Access List: The list displays the user and user groups that have access assigned, also the list displays the type of access for each user and user group. Allowing update the type of access excluding the external access.

    5. Overwrite Sharing Settings: This option deletes the previous configuration and updates permissions with the new access list.

    6. Merge with current Sharing Settings: This merge the previous configuration with the new configuration.

    7. Save Settings: The Sharing Settings will be applied to the objects selected.

    Image 3: Sharing and Access Screen

    The Overwrite sharing settings option may affect the previous settings, please verify that there are no important sharing settings applied in the maintenance app, make sure that the same settings are displayed, otherwise select merge with current sharing settings.

    Step 3: Summary

    Once the Objects has been selected and the Sharing Settings have been configured, the last step displays the summary with the number of objected updated and number of objects don’t updated. The Objects selected will be displayed with the ‘Ok’ text on the far right in case the sharing settings were applied correctly.

    Image 4: Summary Report


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