DHIS2 User Roles at PSI

DHIS2 User Roles at PSI


An user role is a group of authorities that allow a group of users to commit certain activities within the DHIS2 server instance. Within the PSI context, these user roles allow PSI employees to perform certain activities around data entry, data management, data visualization, etc.

This guide outlines the different user roles that PSI counts with, as well as the standard when it comes to assigning user roles.

User roles

Setting up the user profile (user roles)

PSI employees are given access to the user roles based on their job in the organization. We can disaggregate these profiles as follows:


User roles

User role description



User roles

User role description


Basic profile

_User - Analytics

Access to all analytics modules (includes all analytics related authorities)

Data visualization

_User - Data Entry Aggregated

Data Entry, Data Set Report

Data entry clerks

_User - Data Entry Events (Only)

User role for data entry in Capture: "only" events without registration

_User - Data Entry Tracker

Data entry user role for trackers and events

Admin profile

_Admin - Analytics

Basic administration of indicators, indicator groups, program indicators, program indicator groups, and legend sets

System Administrators

_Admin - Import/Export Data

Import/export aggregated and events data

_Admin - Import/Export MetaData

Import/export metadata

_Admin - Org Units

Administrator of Org Units

_Admin - Users

User Management

Production versus Development vs clone vs …


Country - System Administrators

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