PCA - Data Transfer from H1 to H2
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  • PCA - Data Transfer from H1 to H2

    The content of this page describes the steps that must be followed to transfer all historical data from a H1 Program into its new H2 version. To proceed with this guide ensure that you’ve already converted a H1 Program to H2 using the Metadata Conversion guide.

    Please Note:

    The steps described in this guide can be followed before or after the Data Capture enabling process, you’re not required to transfer old Assessments Data to Set Up the H2 Program logic.

    Recommendations at the time of conversion:

    • Data capture, using the android app or DHIS2 web, for the converted programs should be stopped before starting the data transfer. Otherwise, the process must be repeated if any new assessment was registered in the original H1 program.

    • Any other program, whose data will not be transfered, can be used as normal and will not be afected in any way by this process.

    • H1 programs data can still be used for analytics and reports while this process is taking place.

    After Converting the Metadata from the original H1 Program to the new H2 version, you’re now able to copy and transfer all the Assessment Data that was collected using the original H1 Program into the new H2 version. By doing this, the original data can be used in Analytics to compare with the data that will be collected in the new H2 version of the Program.

    Locating the Data Transfer Feature

    This feature can only be found in the homepage (Programs List page) of the PCA. You can access it by clicking the three-dot menu at the far-right of any HNQIS 1.X Program displayed on the list (see Image 1).

    Image 1: Location of the Data Transfer Feature in a H1 Program.

    Transferring Data from a H1 Program to its H2 version

    Hardware Requirements

    The transfer process requires some heavy calculations for each Assessment that is transferred to the new H2 Program, this means that there are some Hardware Requirements that your device must meet in order to proceed.

    The usage of a recent device is recommended in order to guarantee that enough CPU and RAM performance is provided.

    The Transfer Process

    After clicking the Transfer Assessment Data to HNQIS 2.0 option from any H1 Program that has already been converted to H2, a new window will appear displaying a transfer summary (see Image 2).

    Image 2: Data Transfer summary displaying the Assessment total.


    This window displays the origin H1 Program (the one that was selected), the total of Assessments that haven’t been transferred yet and the H2 Program where the data will be stored. Clicking the Begin Data Transfer button will start the process, displaying a small window with the current progress (see Image 3).

    This process can be safely stopped at any time by clicking the Stop button, doing so will close the window and display a notification indicating that the process was interrupted (see Image 4).

    The process then may be resumed by repeating the steps previously described, this will continue the transfer skipping the Assessment Data that was already transferred (see Image 5). The process can also be resumed in case the tab/browser is closed accidentally or if the internet connection is lost.

    After the process is completed, a notification is displayed indicating that the Data Transfer process finished correctly (see Image 6). Now, all the historical H1 data is preserved in the H2 version of the Program.

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