PCA - Checking Existing Program Rules
  • Ready for review
  • PCA - Checking Existing Program Rules

    The PCA supports Program Rules for HNQIS2, Event and Tracker Programs using the Excel Template.

    The PCA allows for checking the Program Rules that are related to every Data Element contained in a Program Stage. The Program Rules are divided into two types: Program Rules acting over this Data Element and Program Rules triggered by this Data Element.

    Both sets of Program Rules can be checked inside the Data Element Form that can be accessed from the Edit This Data Element option in the Program Stage Sections view of the PCA (see Image 1).

    Image 1: Location of the Edit This Data Element option


    At the bottom of the Data Element Form, a Program Rule Lists section is displayed if the Data Element participates in at least one Program Rule (see Image 2).

    Image 2: Location of the Program Rule Lists inside the Data Element Form.

    Please Note:

    The Program Rule Lists will be displayed only if the selected Dasta Element has been assigned to a Program Rule Variable.

    Two Program Rule Lists are displayed (one for each Program Rule Type), and every list displays the amount of Program Rules found, as well as the Program Rule Actions performed across all these rules. Clicking the arrow icon located at the far-right of the list expands it to display the Program Rules (see Image 3).

    Image 3: Expanding a Program Rules List. Clicking the arrow again collapses the list.

    The list displays the Program Rule Name, Condition and Actions amount for each of the Program Rules. There’s also an arrow icon at the far-right of each Program Rule that expands the item to display all the Program Rule Actions performed by the selected Program Rule (see Image 4).

    Image 4: Expanding a Program Rule by clicking the arrow again collapses the item.

    The expanded item displays a list of Program Rule Actions that also detail the action performed. The icon also changes to ease the distinction between actions.

    The most common actions are Assign Value, Make Required and Hide Field, but other types of actions are displayed as well. Depending on the action type, different contents will be displayed (see Image 5).

    Image 5: The most common Program Rule Actions displayed in the PCA.
    • Support for other Action Types will be added in future updates.

    • Assign Value Program Rules is not available for Event and Tracker Programs.


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