PCA - Program Configuration App


The Program Config App (PCA) can be used as a generic DHIS2 Program Configuration wizard that simplifies the process of creating, editing, and maintaining DHIS2 programs and all related metadata. Users are presented with a unified interface from which they can add pre-existing or new Data Elements or Attributes to a Program individually or in bulk, add or edit Options Sets, apply Organisation Units access, configure Sharing Settings for multiple objects, as well as Import and Export Program configurations, and much more.

Also, the PCA fully automates the configuration of clinical quality improvement checklists based on PSI's HNQIS (Health Network Quality Improvement System) methodology.

Product Contact:

PSI sponsors: Rodrigo Gramajo, Wycliffe Waweru

Support: Victor Mendoza, Ruth Mwende

Functionality and Use Cases

  • Create or edit a Tracker program with various stages from a central location, without pre-creating the data elements or options sets.

  • HNQIS specific: create or edit a clinical quality improvement list, and automatically generate all hide/show and scoring logic.

  • Re-set sharing across all metadata objects for a program.

  • Create a cross-server compatible metadata export.

  • Backup & Restore versions of your configuration directly in DHIS2.

  • Editing, including DE creation is MS Excel* (currently available for HNQIS2)

  • Migrate metadata and data from HNQIS 1.X programs.


DHIS2 administrator and other staff responsible for the configuration of DHIS2 Programs.


The PCA app should allow more users the flexibility to maintain and update their DHIS2 programs while reducing the need for advanced technical support for small changes. This can help reduce the backlog of support requests and allow more users with some training to engage with DHIS2.


The PCA allows the community to rethink how configuration can be approached by reducing barriers to DHIS2 configurations. It is an approach that can become part of core and to inspire conversations for the next generation of the maintenance app.

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