PCA - Steps After Converting a H1 Program
The content of this page describes the steps that must be followed to enable data capture in converted H1 Programs. To proceed with this guide, ensure that you’ve already converted an H1 Program to H2 using the Metadata Conversion guide.
Please Note:
The steps described in this guide can be followed before or after the Data Transfer process, you’re not required to Set Up the H2 Program logic to transfer old Assessments Data.
After Converting the Metadata from the original H1 Program to the new H2 version, some changes may be required before being able to generate the Checklist Program Rules and Analytical Objects. Some Checklists may not require any additional tweaking, but this won’t always be the case.
Checking the Assessment Structure
In some cases you may want to change the order of the Sections generated by the Conversion, this can be done by simply dragging and dropping any Section in the Assessment Stage.
In some other cases you may want to remove completely one specific Section, you can also do that by clicking the three-dot menu at the far-right of every Section and the selecting Delete This Section (see Image 1).
Please Note:
Every tool from the PCA is available to be used in any converted H1 Program, there’s no distinction between native H2 Programs and converted H1 Programs.
Fixing Conversion Issues
Almost every issue will occur during the Validation process in the H2 Program’s Assessment Stage. Most of the issues will be related to questions length or with Feedback Order gaps (see Image 2).
In H1, the equivalent to the Feedback Order is the Compositive Indicator.
Solving the errors is relatively straightforward: first read the error, then solve it. In some cases the error can be solved by rephrasing questions to reduce the text length, in others the error requires changing all the Feedback Orders of a set of questions to remove Feedback Order gaps. The Validation Errors Section can be expanded by clicking the arrow icon on the far-right to display the error details (see Image 3).
Errors related to Feedback Order gaps are easier to fix by using the Excel Template of the Program.
The program depicted in Image 3 contains a Feedback Order gap, as shown in the Metadata Conversion step (see Image 4). Fixing that gap will generate more gaps that will also need to be fixed, this is a common issue when converting H1 Programs to H2.
Most of the errors can be fixed by editing the Data Elements in the checklist using all the available features of the PCA. The fastest way to change Data Elements in bulk is by using the Excel Template.
The Feedback Order Gap must be fixed in the Score Data Element, and then all the Data Elements that contributed to that Score must be remapped (see Images 5 and 6).
following Scores.
This process has to be repeated until no more Feedback Order gaps are present in the Checklist.
After fixing any other Validation Errors (either by using the PCA, the Maintenance App or Importing an Excel Template), Validate & Save your changes to enable the Set Up Program button.
Other Unusual Conversion Issues
In some older programs, Non-Critical questions do not have scores, legend, and parent questions assigned (compare with the H1 program to know if any parent questions are missing).
Labels are sometimes marked as Critical Questions and Compulsory. Check those fields are marked as ‘No’ and the Value Type is defined as ‘LONG_TEXT’. Also, check they do not have an Option Set assigned.
If the tab header text in the H1 is too long, this can cause errors when converting because the PCA appends the header text with the section name. The error will appear if the resulting text length is more or equal to 200 characters.
Building Program
After fixing any Validation Errors that may have occurred, you can proceed with the Validation and Setup steps (see Image 7).
If the Setup process is successful (see Image 8), the Program will now be ready to be used in the DHIS2 Tracker Capture App and the Android Capture App.