PCA - Metadata Conversion from H1 to H2
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  • PCA - Metadata Conversion from H1 to H2

    Metadata Conversion is the process of creating a new H2 Program by using the configurations of an existing H1 Program as a base. This new H2 Program will re-use as many of the original components as possible, including: Data Elements for Questions and Scores, Sharing Settings, Organisation Units access and the structure of the Assessment.

    However, as H2 is designed differently, there will be some additional changes that need to be performed to the converted Program in order to ensure that it works as expected when used by the supervisors.

    This is a conversion guide, follow the steps described below to convert any H1 Program to H2. Refer to this guide if you encountered any problems during this process.

    Locating the Metadata Conversion Feature

    This feature can only be found in the homepage (Programs List page) of the PCA. You can access it by clicking the three-dot menu at the far-right of any HNQIS 1.X Program displayed on the list (see Image 1).

    Image 1: Location of the Metadata Conversion feature in a HNQIS Program.

    Please Note:

    This option is only available for Programs labeled as HNQIS 1.X, every other Program’s three-dot menu will display different options from the ones displayed in Image 1.


    The conversion process can only be performed once per H1 Program, make sure that the Program you’re converting is in its latest version available.

    Converting a H1 Program

    After clicking the Convert to HNQIS 2.0 Program option from any H1 Program, a new window will appear displaying the HNQIS 2.0 Settings and a preview of the new Program that will be created (see Image 2).

    Image 2: Preview and Settings of the converted Program.

    This window displays the name of the selected Program at the top, followed by the HNQIS 2.0 Settings section, which can be expanded by clicking the arrow icon located at the far-right (see Image 3) to display the following fields:

    • An Organisation Unit Selector to specify the owner Country (Organisation Unit Root) of the Checklist (Required).

    • A switch to enable/disable the usage of User Organisation Units to create the H2 Program Analytics.

    • Two dropdowns to select the Organisation Unit Levels for Visualizations and Maps in the H2 Program Dashboard (Required).

    • A switch for enabling/disabling Competency Classes in the Program.

    • A dropdown for selecting Aggregation Type for Program Indicators by default will display average.

    • A dropdown for selecting the Health Area of the Program (Required).

    Additional to the mentioned settings, a preview of the converted checklist is displayed. Every block represents a Section in the Assessment, displaying the Section name and the amount of Data Elements contained in the section. Clicking on the arrow icon located at the far-right will expand the section, displaying its contents (see Image 5).

    There’s also a special Section at the bottom of the Assessment Sections in the preview, which contains all the Score Data Elements of the Checklist (see Image 6).

    Clicking the arrow icon on the far-right will expand the section displaying the Scores structure (see Image 6).

    In some checklists you may notice that the scores would follow a sequence like [ …, 1.8, 1.9, 1.11, 1.12, … ], skipping the number ten (see Image 8). This is due to the way Compositive Indicators (the score number) were used by the original HNQIS App and it won’t represent any issues when converting. However, this will represent an issue later and will require additional changes to the converted Program in order to fix it, this process is detailed in the Steps After Converting a H1 Program page.

    After checking the result, the Program can be converted by clicking the Convert to HNQIS 2.0 button (see Image 9). This will display a small window with some warnings and specifying that the new Program will keep as many components from the original Program as possible (see Image 10).

    Once the process is finished, a notification is displayed and the Programs List is filtered to show both the original and the new versions of the checklist (see Image 12). A [HNQIS2] tag will be appended at the beginning of the new Program’s name.

    The following attributes are displayed (See Image 12):

    1. Program Filtered automatically

    2. New Program

    3. Original Program

    4. Notification Icon

    A Notification is displayed in the new Program to indicate that the program still hasn’t been built for new data capture, to display the content of the Notification you can place the cursor over the icon (see Image 13).

    After the process is completed, the option for Convert to HNQIS 2.0 Program will be disabled, indicating that the program has already been converted (see Image 14). This will also enable the Transfer Assessment Data to HNQIS 2.0 option.



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