PCA - Initial Setup
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  • PCA - Initial Setup

    To perform the initial setup, the PCA must already be installed in the DHIS2 server. The installation process is described in the Installing PCA page.


    After the PCA has been installed, an initial setup must be performed. To do this, make sure you’re logged in as a System Administrator, as you must be able to install all the necessary Metadata in the server. Open the Apps Menu and search the Program Configuration App (see Image 1).

    Image 1: Accessing the PCA

    Once the PCA has loaded, a message will be displayed indicating that there’s some Required Metadata missing. Clicking the Install Necessary Metadata button (see Image 2) will perform the initial setup and reload the page after the installation is complete.

    Image 2: Initial setup prompt

    After the app has reloaded, the PCA will be ready to use (see Image 3).

    Image 3: PCA’s List of Programs loaded after the initial setup

    About User Roles:
    A User Role named _App - Program Config App is generated during the initial setup. This role is required for any user to be able to use the PCA properly. Two more roles are also created:

    • PCA - Administrator: Includes additional authorities to install PCA Metadata Packages.

    • PCA - Users Sharing Management: Includes additional authorities for PCA users to be able to assign User Sharing Settings.

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