PCA - Sharing (Permissions)
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  • PCA - Sharing (Permissions)

    Sharing Permissions - Default Behaviour:

    Please be advised, if your DHIS2 User Account allows you to create public objects, the programs and their metadata will set as Public by default.

    If the new object you created needs to be restricted to only certain User Groups/Users, please follow the steps below to make changes to the Sharing Settings.

    The sharing permissions of a program and its related metadata can be adjusted in DHIS2 to ensure that users who capture and analyse data can read the metadata, but minimize the risk of unauthorized changes. By setting sharing permissions on a program and its related metadata, the scope of users who can do data entry can be controlled.

    Updating Sharing Settings

    To update the sharing settings, you must be logged in to DHIS2 and on the Program Config App Home page (List of programs).

    To access the Sharing Settings, click the (1) Three Dots on the right-hand side of the relevant Program to open the dropdown menu, next click on (2) Sharing Settings option as shown below.

    Image 1: Program Config App - List of programs screen

    Please note if you do not have sufficient DHIS2 User Account Access you will not be able to make change and the message presented in the Image 2 will be displayed.

    Image 2: Insufficient DHIS2 User Access

    Navigating Sharing Settings

    Please ensure you are working on the correct Program before making changes to Sharing Settings.

    At the top of the Sharing settings window you are presented with the name of the Program and the Creator, please ensure this is the correct program before making any changes. Example (See image 1).

    Image1: Program and Creator details

    The lower part of the Sharing settings window displays all the Users and/or User Groups that have been provided with access to the Program if you do not see any Users or User Groups you can add them, we explain how in the next sections of this document.

    In the image below (Image 2) we have highlighted the text and icons that represent the level of permissions assigned to the User Groups.

    Image 2: Type of permissions

    To edit a User or User Group permissions, simply click on the relevant icon to open the pop-up menu as shown (Image 3), to remove a User or User Group click the X on the relevant row.

    Image 3: Checking the permissions

    Permission menu: You can click the Permission icon to show the corresponding Permission menu. You can change the Metadata and Data permission from this menu.

    Adding New Users and User Groups

    Image 4: Adding New Users

    To add a new User or User Group, follow the steps below:

    1. Click on the text area (1) and start typing, you will be presented with a list of all Users and User Groups available, click the relevant one to add.

    2. Click on the eye icon (2).

    3. The pop-up window with three options will appear; select the appropriate settings.

    4. To complete the process, click on the button to Apply the changes (4).

    You will need to add Users and User Groups manually one-by-one.

    Saving Changes

    You have the choice of one of the following settings, you can access the list of options by clicking on the dropdown arrow and selecting the relevant setting from the dropdown menu (See Image 5);

    • Program Level

    • Program & Program Stages

    • Program, Program Stages & Data Elements

    Please note, when you make a selection from the dropdown list, it will be applied immediately without any further user input or confirmation.

    • If you are updating a HNQIS2 Tracker the default Permission setting is automatically set to:


    • If, however, you are updating an HNQIS2 Program you will need to decide which option to apply

    Merge, Append or Replace settings

    Image 5: Apply Sharing Settings Options

    Unlike DHIS2, here you need to ‘Apply’ to save all the changes you have made.

    Applying Settings

    This option is only shown on HNQIS2 Program, not Tracker and Event Programs. See Image 6

    Image 6: Overwrite Checkbox

    Overwrite Existing Behaviour:

    If this checkbox is selected, the system will remove all the other permission and replace them with the selected users/ user groups and their corresponding permissions. Whereas, if it is not selected, the new users/groups will be appended to the existing list.



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