PCA - Adding a HNQIS 2.0 Program
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  • PCA - Adding a HNQIS 2.0 Program


    You must have installed the HNQIS 2.0 Metadata Package. If the package has not been installed, is out of date or is corrupt (missing essential elements), you will not be able to continue.

    Please click here for details on how to install, update and consult the current installed version.


    To add a new program click the ADD PROGRAM (1) button as shown below.

    Image 1: PCA Dashboard

    From the popup window (Create New Program), set the Program Type(*), to HNQIS 2.0 (2) from the dropdown list.

    Please note all fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

    Image 2: Selecting HNQIS2 Program

    Basic Settings

    Please note all fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

    • Program Type*: This should be set to HNQIS 2.0.

    • Program Data Element Prefix*: This is required to avoid conflicts with the metadata generated that is automatically generated by the PCA. Please note the text entered must be unique in the DHIS2 server. The name you choose should be self-explanatory and related to the program.

    • Program Name*: Name assigned to the Program.

    • Program Short Name*: Short version of the Program Name, sometimes created by replacing words with acronyms.

    • Program Code: Code to identify the Program.

    • Tracked Entity Type*: Please note, that when adding a HNQIS 2.0 Program, this field is automatically populated and can not be changed.

    • ADD ICON (Button): Used to add an Icon that will appear on the home screen List of programs.

    • SELECT COLOR (Button): Used to style the Icon with a colour.

    Adding an Icon

    We recommend you add a suitable Icon to the new Program, there is a wide range of icons to choose from, pick the most relevant one and click SELECT ICON to insert it.

    You can change the colour of the Icon from the pop-up window, as you select a colour you will see a live preview of how it looks, click off the colour palette to apply the selected colour.

    In Example 2 (Adding an Icon to a new Program) you can see the Mosquito Icon has been styled with a yellow background, if you need to remove either the icon or styling, simply click the red icon adjacent to the relevant buttons.

    • CLOSE (Button): To exit without saving changes or creating a new Program.

    • SUBMIT (Button): To save changes and create a new Program click SUBMIT.

    HNQIS2 Settings

    • Organisation Unit Root for Global Analytics*: The organisations Units are displayed in a tree, to expand and collapse the Organisation simply click on the arrows.

    • Org Unit Level For the Dashboard Visualizations*: Select the Organisation Unit Level to create the Dashboard visualizations.

    • Org Unit Level for the Dashboard Maps*: Select the Organisation Unit Level to create the Dashboard Maps.

    • Use User Org Units for Analytics when Possible: This field allows including the User Organisation Units for Analytics.

    • Agg Type for Program Indicators: Select Aggregation Type for Program Indicator in the Program.

    • Use Competency Class: Select this option if the new Program needs to include Competency Classes for an Assessment Score.

    • Program Health Area*: This field is required and is used to identify the Health Area to which the HNQIS Program is related.

    Saving a new Program

    To save all changes, click on the SUBMIT button, you will see a green confirmation notification to confirm the new Program has been created successfully and returned to the PCA Home screen.

    Your new Program will appear at the top of the List of programs on the Home screen, please check that the icon and name of the Program are correct, if not you can edit them, click here for full details of how to edit Programs.



