4 - Managing Data Elements with the UCT

4 - Managing Data Elements with the UCT

  1. Open the UCT corresponding to your Tracker Program.

  2. Go to the Flu Vaccines Reiforcements Tab.

  3. As explained previously, in the Template Tabs you can add, edit or remove Program Stage Sections and Data Elements in Program. Currently, it should look something like this:

  1. On row 10 fill each column as follows:

    1. Structure: Data Element

    2. Form Name: Authorised by

    3. Compulsory: Yes

    4. Value Type: Text

  1. While using the UCT, you will notice a column on the far-right named Errors/Warnings/Info, where messages regarding the row will be displayed. These messages will usually appear when cells are highlighted in red or gray to indicate the cause of the message.

  1. Data Elements can also be edited and removed in the same manner as Stage Sections.


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