Importing Event/Tracker program template

Importing Event/Tracker program template

Once you have made the necessary modifications in Excel, the next step involves importing the changes into DHIS2 to ensure they are saved. In your chosen program, simply click on the "Import Template" button to access the 'Select Configuration File' popup

Within the 'Select Configuration File' popup, navigate to the 'Select File' option in order to browse and choose the file you intend to import. Upon selecting the file, proceed to click the 'IMPORT' button, initiating the upload and processing of your configuration file. Throughout this procedure, the application will validate the 'File Type' to ensure the correct XLXS format is provided, assess the worksheet alignment based on the Excel file tabs, verify the integrity of worksheet columns, and perform the data import from the worksheet. Should any stage encounter an issue, the app will promptly display an error message and halt further processing.

If the Excel is successfully validated, then the application will analyze all the Data Element, will show the import summary and also list all the Sections and Data Elements.

The modifications mentioned above are confined to your local environment. For additional adjustments to align with your preferences, you have the option to make further modifications within the browser. It's important to note that these alterations won't be permanently stored until you validate and save them by clicking the 'Validate & Save' button.

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