Importing H2 Template
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  • Importing H2 Template

    After you make the required changes in Excel, you need to import it into DHIS2 to persist the changes. In the program stage page, you can click Import Template button to open the Select Configuration File pop-up.

    Image 1: Import Template Pop-up

    In the ‘Select Configuration File’ pop-up, click on Select File to Browse the file you want to import. Once you select the file, click IMPORT to import the file. The application will upload your configuration file and process it. During this process, the application will validate the File Type (ensure the proper XLXS file is provided) (See Image 1), validate the worksheet (based on the Excel file tabs), validate the worksheet columns and import the data from the worksheet. If the app fails to import at any step, it will show the error message and stop further processing (See Image 2).

    Image 2: Template Format

    If the Excel is successfully validated, then the application will analyse all the Data Element, will show the Import Summary and also list all the Sections and Data Elements (See Image 3).

    Image 3: Import Summary

    The above changes are local, you can further make the changes in the browser as desired. These changes won’t be persisted until you further validated them and save them by pressing ‘Validate & Save’ button. If there are errors related to Data Elements will be displayed also the Section that contains the Data Elements with errors will be marked with red showing an alert indicating the errors (See Image 4).

    Image 4: Validating the Template


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