Event Programs
As part of the MPHD implementation within PSI and to ensure that unique events are captured properly, two events program were designed. The MPHD Events program which focuses on PSI unique indicators and MPHD KM Events which is also for a very unique indicator (KM.1). As oppose as the custom data set that were design with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, these MPHD Event Programs were designed only with the assistance of DHIS2, no programming skills were required to create them.
At the time of data entry, users are required to answer a set of pre-established options and provide a description. As oppose as a data set, events programs allow to hide or show a certain amount of questions based on the user role, organisation unit and other criteria, inherently, without needing to use any programming language.
MPHD Event indicators
Please notice that these list only includes indicators that are important to PSI, however, this shows how versatile DHIS2 is when it comes to data entry.
Program indicator name | Aggregation Type | Expression | Filter |
MPHD PWI 1.5 # actitvites w/ gndr cmpnt [gen.1] | COUNT |
MPHD PWI 1.6 # intvns co-designed w/ users [PSI] | COUNT |
MPHD PWI 2.3 # policies for MOH/priv prvdrs [PSI] | COUNT |
MPHD PWI 3.1 - # of innovations supported through MPHD (IN.1) [PSI] | COUNT |
MPHD PWI 3.2 - # of knowledge-sharing events relevant to MOMENTUM either hosted by MPHD or in which MPHD staff substantially participated (KM.1) [PSI] | COUNT |
MPHD PWI 3.9 - # of activities that include a component in which digital health solutions are developed or strengthened by MPHD (DIG.1) [PSI] | COUNT |
MPHD PWI 4.1 - # of partnerships supported, facilitated, or catalyzed by MPHD (PSE/MSP.1) [PSI] | COUNT |
You can find this metadata package in the following links.
MPHD Event DHIS program metadata
MPHD KM Event DHIS program metadata
For any questions, please reach out to your nearest KTT/MPHD staff.