MPHD Approval App

MPHD Approval App


The MPHD project within PSI requires data approval and data acceptance every time data is submitted to MKA. This process required access to the DHIS2 Approval app, however, as a result of the DHIS2 upgrade version 40, it is no longer possible to access it.

In order to comply with the approval and acceptance process in place, the MPHD Approval app was designed, using an existing submission report.


The application consists on a filter section, which allow to select a country level organisation unit, period and an award (In the MPHD context, the award is related to the Attribute Option Combination that has already been provided by MKA, however, PSI collects additional attributes).

Image 1: Filter section, where users can indicate the country they need to approve or accept.

As soon as the user clicks on “Run”, they will be presented with the next view:

Image 2: Approval and accept form.

This form consist on all of the current MPHD data sets that require approval and acceptance. Notice that, users will also have access to a preview of all the MPHD data sets that require approval through the app.


Image 3: Preview icon.

Clicking on the preview icon, will allow them to show a preview of the data set, for the given period and PSI Award. Notice that “MPHD Award” will be default for every country with the exception of Niger, who will have access to two other PSI Awards.

Image 4: Preview for the “Facility Monthly” form for the reporting period of October 2022.


How to access

To access the app, follow these steps:

  1. Click on your App dashboard, in the right upper corner of the screen.

  2. Type “MPHD” which will automatically populate the MPHD Approval App.


Image 5: MPHD Approval App in the App menu.

How to use


  1. Click on “Country” and select from the drop down menu the country you are looking to approve or accept. Notice that the organisation units available are based on your sharing settings.

  2. Click on “Period” and select the six-monthly period you are looking to approve. Notice that periods are set in six-monthly periods starting April, in order to better match the submission periods.

  3. Click on “Award” and select the award that you will approve and accept, notice that there are only three possible options, and that PSI Award is the most used.

Approval and Acceptance form

Before moving forward, notice that approval are only available to a selected few, in essence, it is not expected that the person capturing data will also approve the data, these are two different roles. If you require access to the MPHD Approval App or Approval or Acceptance user role, please open a fresh desk ticket.

  1. To approve a data set for a given period, simply select “Approve” to the row it applies to. Notice that you will have to approve data sets as many times as periods available during a given Six-Monthly period (It is expected that data).

  2. To accept a data set for a given period, simply select “Accept” to the row it applies. Notice that “Accept” will only shown if the data set, for a given period, has been previously approved.


Release history


[ September 30, 2024 ]


  • Preview window for each data set + period combination is now implemented

Bug Fixing

  • Approvals/ Acceptance information sometimes wouldn’t show because of the user’s time zone. The application now forces the inquiry on UTC time, ensuring that the information is always returned and shown on the app.


[ September 18, 2024 ]


  • Country selection based on user’s Organization Units assignment

  • Period range selection based on current year (3 years before and 4 years after)

  • Dataset attribute “PSI Award” based on selected country:

    • Niger: PSI Award, MPHD - Mobile, MPHD - Fixed

    • Other countries: PSI Award

  • Approvals and acceptances search based on filters selected

  • Dataset approval/unapproval and acceptance/unacceptance

  • Actions log over each data set + period combination

Known issues

  • Application’s logo may sometimes not be rendered in DHIS2 Apps menu. User can try deleting cache from the browser or using the integrated DHIS2 tool “Browser Cache Cleaner”.

Pending / Backlog

  • Preview window for each data set + period combination.


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