| | |
Benin | MPHD Data Quality - Benin | MPHD MNH.6 Percentage women who received a prophylactic uterotonic immediately after birth for prevention of Post-Partum Hemorrhage in a MPHD-supported facility [mnh.6] % of children 0-59 months with diarrhea treated in MPHD-supported areas % of MPHD-supported service delivery sites providing family planning (FP) counseling and/or services % of MPHD-supported service delivery sites that provided a specific contraceptive method in the last 3 months
Burundi | MPHD Data Quality - Burundi | % of MPHD-supported activities that integrate gender/include a component to support gender programming (X-Gen.1) % USG-assisted organizations with improved performance (CAP.5 / CBLD-9) % women who received a prophylactic uterotonic immediately after birth for prevention of Post-Partum Hemorrhage in a MPHD-supported facility [MNH.6] % of MPHD-supported service delivery sites providing family planning (FP) counseling and/or services [RH.1] % of MPHD-supported facilities providing contraceptive services that report contraceptive provision to adolescents (<20) in the last 3 months [RH.6]
Mozambique | MPHD Data Quality - Mozambique | % of targeted actors using data generated through their monitoring systems to modify activities or strategies (AL.2) % antenatal clients with 1st visit before 12 weeks (Or ANC 1 disaggregated by timing) in MPHD-supported areas % of children 0-59 months with diarrhea treated in MPHD-supported areas. % of MPHD-supported service delivery sites providing family planning (FP) counseling and/or services
Niger | MPHD Data Quality - Niger | MPHD MNH.6 Percentage women who received a prophylactic uterotonic immediately after birth for prevention of Post-Partum Hemorrhage in a MPHD-supported facility MPHD % of children 0-59 months with diarrhea treated (+ ORS Only) in MPHD-supported areas - Niger MPHD CH.2 % of children 0-59 months with diagnosed pneumonia treated with antibiotics in MPHD-supported areas MPHD CH.3 % confirmed malaria cases in children 0–59 months that received ACTs in MPHD-supported areas MPHD CH+Nut.2 % of children 6-59m screened for severe acute malnutrition in MPHD-supported areas MPHD - FP.RH.1 % of MPHD-supported service delivery sites providing family planning (FP) counseling and/or services MPHD - FP.RH.6 % of MPHD-supported facilities providing contraceptive services that report contraceptive provision to adolescents (<20) in the last 3 months
Mali | MPHD Data Quality - Mali | % of MPHD-supported activities that integrate gender/include a component to support gender programming (X-Gen.1) % of post abortion clients who leave a MPHD-supported facility with a modern contraceptive
Indonesia | MPHD Data Quality - Indonesia | |