Release notes

Release notes


Release Name



Release Name



Demo releases

V0.1 - v0.4

Feb & March 2022

Initial release


March 18th, 2022

Minor revision to initial release


March 22nd, 2022

2nd release


April 7th, 2022

3rd release


May 13th, 2022

4th release


June 14th, 2022



June 15th, 2022

5th release


June 29, 2022

6th release


July 7, 2022

7th release


September 14, 2022

8th release


October 24, 2022

9th release


Nov 17, 2022

10th release - fixes from version v0.10.0


Nov 25, 2022

11th release


Between Dec 12 - 24, 2022

Final release


January 30-31, 2023



May 23, 2023

Testing notes

From the 7th release and onwards, to test the ET Job Aid application, including the Download Manager, please use the following credentials:

  • Username: ET_TEST_JOBS

  • PIN: Please request access

  • Server URL: WFA

Release v1.1.0

This series of releasing were performed in order to prepare for the navigators training, fix minor issues and .

Screen/ Section/ Issue

Feature/ Change/ Fix

New Avatars - Disabled girl and Disabled husband

Two new avatars were added in this iteration. A disabled girl and disabled husband. In order to avoid discrepancies at the time of selecting the avatar, a new logic has been added to reinforce the fact that it is impossible to have both disabled girl and disabled husband combination.

Family composition - New disabled combinations

As part of the first feature, new family combinations were added, these include:
Disabled girl + all possible husband, boys, girls and children combination (Excluding Disabled husband combinations)

Disabled husband + all possible girls, boys and children combinatino (Excluding Disabled girl combinations)


Current location is now captured in the WFA app, in order to make it possible, users must accept the initial prompt for the WFA to have access to “Location”

Family composition - Reinforce disable couple combination

To avoid flow where both the disabled girl and husband combinations, if:
1. Disabled girl is selected, disabled husband will not appear in the following screen

2. Disabled husband is only visible when the girl avatar is not the disabled avatar

New Kebele

Added a new Kebele:

Region: SNNP

Zone: Gofa

Woreda: Geze Gofa

Kebele: Bulik Tsire

Release v0.10.1 - v0.11.0

This series of releasing were performed in order to prepare for the navigators training, fix minor issues and .

Screen/ Section/ Issue

Feature/ Change/ Fix

New screens - Mandatory videos logic

Two new screens were added as requested by the ET team, these are intended to show 6 additional videos, currently, the videos are organized the following way:

  • 1st screen: Gender Based Violence videos (part 1 and part 2) and SS videos (part 1 and part 2)

  • 2nd screen: COVID-19 videos (part 1 and part 2)

The first screen has a mandatory logic where, unless 95% of the video is watched, navigators will not be able to move forward.

Group sessions - Referral

This has a new logic where this route will only apply to routes where a method has been selected by the group previously

Group sessions - Method information

Added a new tab for capturing method information for group sessions. This also applies a new hide and show logic that will hide the referral tab in case any of the girls is not interested in family planning.

Fixed issues/ General changes

Fixed several issues and perform the following changes:
1. Fixed an issue where it was not possible to go to the previous screen when reviewing group sessions, however, this change will advise the navigator that the records captured will be lost

2. Fixed an issue where even after receiving a bad score in the returning user quiz, the screen was still congratulating the user with a throphy and the clapping sound effect. This has been removed on those circumstances only, for good scores, users will still be able to see the those two.

New kebeles/zones

Added new kebeles/woredas to the current list of location


Added new translations for the new tabs that were added for group sessions

Release v0.10.0

Version 0.9.0 includes a brand new feature that allows users to create multiple profiles based on one Group Session only, this adds a new screen, which allows the navigator to create multiple profiles at the same time.

Screen/ Section/ Issue

Feature/ Change/ Fix

New screens

Two new screens were added as requested by the ET team, these are intended to show 6 additional videos, currently, the videos are organized the following way:

  • 1st screen: Gender Based Violence videos (part 1 and part 2) and SS videos (part 1 and part 2)

  • 2nd screen: COVID-19 videos (part 1 and part 2)

Currently, there is no logic that avoids the navigator to navigate from one screen to the other due to the time limitations

Group sessions - Referral

As part of the new group sessions requirements, if the group decides that they are ready to select a method, they will be able to select what they are being referred to:

Navigators will be able to select which place each individual girl is being referred to as in a regular session

Fixed issues

Fixed several issues where:

  1. It was possible to see a black square in certain family composition combinations

  2. The family composition in the select goals screen appeared to the right, as opposed to centered

  3. It was possible to activate the congratulations sound several times before the beginning of the knowledge quiz

Release v0.10.1

This is a version intended to fix any piece of feedback coming from version 0.10.0, it is a minor version that was only set up for the purpose to be as ready as possible to production/final version.

Screen/ Section/ Issue

Feature/ Change/ Fix

New screens - mandatory

The new screen that comes with 4 videos includes a brand new logic that will only allow the navigators to go the next screen if more than 95% of the video content is watched.

This only applies to the first 4 videos, the second screen does not have any logic that stop them from moving forward.

Congratulations sound effect transition from FP19 - FP20

Fixed an issue where the congratulations sound effect was overlapping the sound from the family planning video in screen FP20

Missing family composition combinations

Some family compositions where missing from version 0.10.0, this included the combinations that have more than 3 girls or 3 boys

Subtitled videos

As part of this fix, the English version now includes English subtitled videos which are still with the original Amharic language

Release v0.9.0

Version 0.9.0 includes a brand new feature that allows users to create multiple profiles based on one Group Session only, this adds a new screen, which allows the navigator to create multiple profiles at the same time.

Screen/ Section/ Issue

Feature/ Change/ Fix

Group Sessions

Navigators are now capable of initiating multiple profile creation when working with a group session. To do so, a new screen has been added to the group session workflow and it can be reached when completing a session through any of the following paths:1. If the group is not interested in family planning and regardless if they are using a method or not.

  1. If the group is interested but already using family planning and they are satisfied with their method.

  2. When passing through the algorithm session and choosing a method.

  3. When passing through the algorithm session and not choosing a method.

To add a profile from a group session, while in the new screen, the navigator will be required to fill out every single field when applicable and follow these steps:

  • Select “Add new”

  • The navigator will be required to fill out 4 sections that matches with the user information that is filled at the time of submitting individual sessions

  • Each time an user is saved, the navigator will be required to press “Save” to continue adding a new user, if a piece of information is missing, a red asterisk will appear next to the section that is missing

New Family Compositions Combinations

As part of version 0.9.0, a new set of permutations is available visually, for individual sessions, when the amount of boys and children is equal to 4. The following combinations will now be available visually:

  • 1 boy + 3 girls

  • 3 boys + 1 girl

  • 2 boys + 2 girls

These combinations are available in each iteration, regardless of the female and male avatar chosen and whether a baby was added

Reduced videos

The following videos size have been reduced to improve the download experience:

  • Introduction video

  • How to support your wife

  • How to talk with your husband

  • Contraceptive knowledge

  • All the testimonial videos

The size of these videos have been reduced almost 50% as agreed with the ET team

Keep alive function

Added a new feature that allows to extend a Job Aid session in the two following scenarios:

  • When hitting the “Next” button

  • When hitting the “Save” button at the time of adding new users through the new user screen

Individual session - Not ready to select a method bug

Fixed an issue where both individuals and group sessions were able to reach the FP45 Referral screen despite the girl, or group, not ready to select a method

Income calculator - Audio issue

Fixed an issue where the audio in the Income calculator screen was bug and activated the “Next” button audio

Known issues

Screen/ Section/ Issue

Known issue

Family compositions

There is a known issue where some combinations may include a black square surrounding the composition

Select your Goals screen

There is a known issue where, if the family composition is quite big, it may exceed the space available within the tablet

Release v0.8.0

Version 0.8.0 mainly focuses on the data points that were missed on previous versions, including as well the implementation of Matomo (both offline and online). As opposed to previous versions, this one does not include any changes to the layout or any visual changes.


Screen/ Section/ Issue

Feature/ Change/ Fix

WFA Data Points

Fixed an issue where most of the data points required were not capture, to fix this, new data points were created and fully tested:

  • lastEngage

  • userType

  • selectedMethod

  • ssRefresherQuizAnswerScore1

  • ssRefresherQuizAnswerScore2

  • ssRefresherQuizAnswerScore3

  • ssRefresherQuizAnswer1

  • ssRefresherQuizAnswer2

  • ssRefresherQuizAnswer3

  • mythBustingQuizAnswerScore1-7

  • mythBustingQuizAnswer1-7

Matomo implementation

Implemented Matomo to capture data both online and offline (Currently under testing to ensure it is capable of keeping records for longer than 24+ hours)

Matomo Data Points

Added new data points to ensure that all the disaggregated can be achieved, this includes:


  • Client CUIC

  • Navigator (SSN)

  • Client Kebele

  • Client Woreda

  • Client Selected Method

Gamo implementation

Gamo is now available to download, both with and without media


Release v0.7.4

Amharic, Oromo and Sidama

Version 0.7.4 was created as a result of additional feedback pre-pilot to ensure its success. This version does not include many changes since it is intended to fix the majority of the feedback received during v0.7.3 revision.



Screen/ Section/ Issue

Feature/ Change/ Fix

FP31 Opt Out

Added a new workflow for users that are not ready to select a method. Instead of being sent to the very end of the counselling, users are now redirected to provide a phone number of contact

WFA Data Capture

Improve current application payload to ensure fields are updated, including phone number, which did not appear in previous tests

Video issues

Provide workaround for the pilot that consist on going one screen back for the introduction video, which should take care of the issue related to missing thumbnail and additional clicks to play video


Release v0.7.2 - v0.7.3

Amharic, Oromo and Sidama

Please find below a summary of all the details regarding the release of v0.7.2 and v0.7.3 which were handled all together since they were intended to fix similar issues, this section also includes the agreed closing screen designs and expectations. 


Screen/ Section

Feature/ Change/ Fix

WFA Data Updates

Added a new feature that allows Smart Start Navigators to update the method that was taken by the girl after the counselling is completed

Data Collection Points

Fixed an issue where users were not saved, despite going to the very end of the Job Aid.

Added a new feature that allowed Job Aid to save users as soon as there is enough information to save this. Two options of exit and save are available, “Save and Back to Start” which will get the navigator back to the start (While saving the information of the previous user) and “Save and Exit” which essentially saves the user progress and leaves the Job Aid application.

Users' data is saved as soon as the Financial Plan is completed. 

WFA Translations

Fixed an issue with the WFA application where the Oromo, SIdama and Amharic translations were not visible within the application

INT1 Welcome video

Fixed an issue where the image after the thumbnail was an old thumbnail no longer required

POEditor Terms

Added new terms to implement data capture feature described previously

Closing screen design

Fix an issue where the majority of the exits within the application were showing the wrong video combination, to ensure consistency, please review “Closing screen designs” for the agreed iterations.


Closing screen designs

To ensure that all of the closing screens met the criteria discussed on previous iterations, we summarised all the potential combinations within the Job Aid application to ensure its consistency. 



Video content

Interested but using and satisfied

By Myself

Method video + How to Talk with your Husband

With My Husband

Method video + How to support your Wife

Not interested, not using

By Myself

How to Talk with your Husband + EC/Condoms

With my Husband

How to support your Wife + EC/Condoms

Not interested, using but not satisfied

By Myself

Method video + How to Talk with your Husband

With My Husband

Method video + How to support your Wife

Not interested, using but satisfied

By Myself

Method video + How to Talk with your Husband

With My Husband

Method video + How to support your Wife

FP31 Opt Out

By Myself

How to Talk with your Husband + EC/Condoms

With My Husband

How to support your Wife + EC/Condoms

FP43 Closing

By Myself

How to Talk with your Husband + EC/Condoms

With My Husband

How to support your Wife + EC/Condoms

All screens mentioned above

Group Session

How to Talk with your Husband


As part of improving the visuals of the application, all of the videos have additional frames added to them for the very beginning of the video to the very end. Currently, this only applies to Oromo and Amharic, because those are the only two languages from which we possess videos. Here is the summary of such:

File name




Smart Start Discussion Aid Cover Page Amharic for both, first and last frame

Smart Start Discussion Aid Cover Page Oromo for both, first and last frame

Income Expense Animation

First frame: 0:09  Last frame: 1:28 

First frame: 0:09  Last frame: 1:28 

Baby Consumption Animation

First frame: 0:23Last frame: 0:33

First frame: 0:23Last frame: 0:33

Spacing Births for Baby and Mother Health

First and Last frame:


First and Last frame:


Model Animation Family Video

First frame: 1:59Last frame: 1:59

First frame: 1:59Last frame: 1:59

Method Myth Busting Quiz Answer 1

First and Last frame:


First and Last frame:


Method Myth Busting Quiz Answer 2

First and Last frame:


First and Last frame:


Method Myth Busting Quiz Answer 3

First and Last frame:


First and Last frame:


Method Myth Busting Quiz Answer 4

First and Last frame:


First and Last frame:


Method Myth Busting Quiz Answer 5

First and Last frame:


First and Last frame:


Method Myth Busting Quiz Answer 6

First and Last frame:


First and Last frame:


Method Myth Busting Quiz Answer 7

First and Last frame:


First and Last frame:


Contraceptive Knowledge

First and Last frame:


First and Last frame:


IUD Testimonial

First and Last frame:

IUD Amharic image

First and Last frame:

IUD Oromiffa image

Implant Testimonial

First and Last frame:

Implant Amharic image 

First and Last frame:

Implant Oromiffa image 

Injectables Testimonial

First and Last frame:

Injectable Amharic image

First and Last frame:

Injectable Oromiffa image

Pills Testimonial

First and Last frame:

Pills Amharic image

First and Last frame:

Pills Oromiffa image

Ec Testimonial

First and Last frame:

EC Amharic image

First and Last frame:

EC Oromiffa image

Condoms Testimonial

First and Last frame:

Condoms Amharic image

First and Last frame:

Condoms Oromiffa image

How to Support your Wife

First and Last frame:


First and Last frame:


How to Talk to Your Husband

First and Last frame:


First and Last frame:


Art work notes

All initially provided SVGs have been edited and corrected so they can work properly inside the app. When necessary, new variations have been created. This particularly applies to the family composition, for which new avatars were created, and then 95 permutations were composed to ensure that the family is presented properly in each case. Eventually, additional permutations were added to ensure the new set of requirements were meet.

Audio and Video notes

All Audio and Video files were re-processed and compressed as detailed below


Recoding specs/ comments

MP3 Files

Bit rate: 128 kb/s

MP4 Files

Encoded to H-264

Encapsulated MP4/MOV

Bit rate reduce 30-50%MP4 files were compressed as follow:

  • Oromiffa: from 1.67 GB to 280 MB

  • Amharic: from 1.97 GB to 325 MB

Testing equipment notes

We acquired the same device that Ethiopia plans to use, so we could test using the same device specs that the final user will use on the field.




Model name

Galaxy Tab S6 Lite

Model ID


Display size

10.4 inches

Display resolution

1200 x 2000 pixels, 5:3 ratio (~224 ppi density)


64GB Internal storage4GB RAM


Octa-core 4x2.3 GHz Cortex-A73 &4x1.7 GHz Cortex-A53

Android version


Web App Version

Google Chrome - Chromium. Application has only been tested on Google Chrome, thus, we do not guarantee the application to work on different internet browser

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