ET Job Aid Matomo Analytics
Custom Dimensions
S.N | Page | Dimension | Format | Implementation Logic |
1 | fp32.js | Client_methodSelected | String | Method selected |
2 | fp43_2.js | Client_CUIC | csv | CUIC of all the participant |
3 | Client AGE | csv | Age of all the participants | |
4 | Client_nosChildren | csv | Nos of Children of all the participants | |
5 | GroupRecords.js | Client_CUIC | csv | CUIC of all the participant |
6 | Client AGE | csv | Age of all the participants | |
7 | Client_nosChildren | csv | Nos of Children of all the participants | |
8 | Client_methodSelected | csv | Methods selected by all the participants | |
9 | ReferredTo | csv | Facilities where the participants are referred | |
10 | int2.js | Client_visitWith | String | With whom the client visited |
11 | int3.js | Client_Type | String | Client Type |
12 | rss1.js | Client_Type | String | Client Type |
13 | Client_CUIC | String | Client CUIC | |
14 | ss1_1.js | Client_Age | String | Age of the Client |
15 | ss1_3.js | Client_CUIC | String | Client CUIC |
16 | ss1_4.js | Client_nosChildren | String | Nos of children |
17 | ss1_5.js | Client_Region | String | Client Address - Region |
18 | Client_Zone | String | Client Address - Zone | |
19 | Client_Woreda | String | Client Address - Woreda | |
20 | Client_kebele | String | Client Address - Kebele | |
21 | Client_sessionType |
| Client Session Type | |
22 | Navigator_(SSN) | String | Navigator ID | |
23 | ss8_1_1.js | Client_currentMethod | String | Method currently used by the Client |
24 | ss8_2_1.js | Client_currentMethod | String | Method currently used by the Client |
S.N | Page | Case | Implementation Logic |
1 | ss8.js | Duration Spent in Smart Start Section | Total Duration it took for user to tranverse through ss1/ss2 until ss8 |
2 | fp43_1 / fp43_2 | Duration Spent in Family Planning Section | Total Duration it took to traverse through ss8 / ss8_1 to fp43 / fp43_1 / fp43_2 |
Player Analytics
Logics: Captures the duration of Video / Audio / Animated videos played in terms of ‘%' and ‘s’. Basically two events are created for each interaction. One captures the duration in terms of ‘s’ and another captures duration in '%’. The Events logic is as below
Category: Audio / Animated / Video
Action: Played % / Played (s)
Name: Title of the Media
Value: Duration (in % ) or (in s)
S.N | Page | Song Title (Label) | Media Type (Category) |
1 | fp1.js | Method Myth-Busting Intro | Audio |
2 | fp2.js | Method Myth Busting Quiz ${Question_Number} | Audio |
3 | fp3.js | Method myyth busting quize answer ${Question_Number} | Animated |
4 | fp21.js | Contraceptive knowledge video | Video |
5 | fp29.js | Your Method Results | Audio |
6 | fp32.js | Which method are you interested in | Audio |
7 | fp34.js | Knowledge Quiz Intro | Audio |
8 | fp35.js | Knowledge Quiz Question ${question_number} | Audio |
9 | fp36.js | Knowledge Quiz Answer ${question_number} | Audio |
10 | fp43.js | How to support your wife video | Video |
11 | EC Testemonial Video | Video | |
12 | Condom Testemonial Video | Video | |
13 | Int1.js | Introduction Video | Video |
14 | Mvideos.js | What is Gender Based Voilence | Video |
15 | How to Prevent GBV from Happening | Video | |
16 | Speak to someone about SA / PAC | Video | |
17 | Receving right information from health providers | Video | |
18 | Ovideos.js | How COVID19 Vacc can reduce transmission of the virus | Video |
19 | COVID 19 symptoms and treatment | Video | |
20 | rss1.js | Welcome back to Smart Start | Audio |
21 | rss2.js | When did you last engage | Audio |
22 | rss9_10.js | Returning user low Score | Audio |
23 | ss1.js | Select your avatar | Audio |
24 | ss2.js | Select your goals | Audio |
25 | ss3.js | Income Calculator | Audio |
26 | ss4_5.js | Baby consumption animated video | Animated |
27 | ss4.js | Income expense animated video | Animated |
28 | ss5_5.js | Spacing births for baby and mother health | Animated |
29 | ss6.js | Model family animated video | Animated |
30 | ss7.js | Personalized Family Plan | Audio |
31 | ss8_1_1.js | Which method are you currently using | Audio |
32 | ss8_1_2.js | Are you satisfied | Audio |
33 | ss8_1_3.js | How to Support your wife video | Animated |
34 | {FP_Method} testimonial video | Animated | |
35 | Glad you like your method | Audio | |
36 | ss8_1_4.js | Sorry to hear that you are not satisfied | Audio |
37 | ss8_1_5.js | Lets learn about the methods | Audio |
38 | ss8_1.js | General Question | Audio |
39 | ss8_2_1 | Which method are you currently using | Audio |
40 | ss8_2_2.js | Are you satisfied | Audio |
41 | ss8_2_3.js |
| Audio |
42 | {Selected_Method} testimonial Video | Video | |
43 | How to support your wife | Video | |
44 | ss8_2_4.js | How to support your wife video | Video |
45 | EC Testemonial Video | Video | |
46 | Condom Testemonial Video | Video | |
47 | ss8_2.js | Are you currently using a method | Audio |
48 | ss8.js | Are you interested learning about FP | Audio |