Tomcat container
Tomcat container
Here we are going to focus on the Tomcat server and Java services.
Go to /opt/zw-vmmc-docker/tomcat/conf and create log4j2.json config.json file:
And paste the next content:
{ "configuration": { "status": "warn", "name": "connectDWS", "packages": "psi.dws", "ThresholdFilter": { "level": "debug" }, "appenders": { "Console": { "name": "Console", "PatternLayout": { "pattern": "%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-5level %X{request.id} %logger{36} - %msg%n" } } }, "loggers": { "root": { "level": "warn", "AppenderRef": { "ref": "Console" } } } } }
In the same folder create config.json file:
vim /opt/zw-vmmc-docker/tomcat/conf/config.json
Copy the next lines on the file you are creating:
{ "tomcatLog4j2Config": "/usr/local/tomcat/conf/log4j2.json", "dws": { "kafkaBrokers": "kafka:9092", "urlsToEnqueueHighPriority": [], "urlsToEnqueueMediumPriority": [], "wsInternalDevVer": "", "accessServerUsernameProfiler": "dwsUser", "accessServerPasswordProfiler": "dwsPass", "enqueueProgramFilter": [ "pezQRuP6DE2" ], "gitDefaultUrlDefault": "http://localhost:8080/connectGitConfig/api/getConfig?type=ws_v2&ver=1", "gitDefaultUrlProd": "http://localhost:8080/connectGitConfig/api/getConfig?type=ws_v2&ver=1", "unsafeUrls": [ "" ], "reqCustomHeaders": [ { "key": "DWS-CONFIG", "urlRegex": "connectGitConfig/api", "value": "JBcLRzkItdEauNqqq91TQSjAREdzCZT2" }, { "key": "DWS-SIGNATURE", "urlRegex": ".*", "value": "dws" } ], "initCachedGitConfigUrlsDefault": [], "initCachedGitConfigUrlsStage": [], "initCachedGitConfigUrlsTest": [], "initCachedGitConfigUrlsTrain": [], "initCachedGitConfigUrlsProd": [], "servicesAvailability": { "dhis2_available": "DHIS2", "legacy_available": "LEGACY", "mongo_available": "MONGO", "poeditor_available": "POEDITOR", "replica_available": "REPLICA" } }, "routeNode": { "routeMap": { "mongoDB_Disabled": "3000", "cronWs": "http://localhost:3002", "webshot": "http://localhost:3005" } }, "connectGitConfig": { "postgreSql": "localhost:5432" }, "voucherGen": { "postgreSql": "localhost:5432", "mongoUrl": "mongo:3000" }, "voucherGenWs": { "postgreSql": "localhost:5432", "mongoUrl": "mongo:3000" } }
After that, we will need to get the services. To get the resources you need to access to GitHub and download the war files of the next releases:
All these war files have to be moved to /opt/zw-vmmc-docker/tomcat/webapps
The last step in the tomcat folder is to create the dockerfile in /opt/zw-vmmc-docker/tomcat :
vim /opt/zw-vmmc-docker/tomcat/dockerfile
With the next content:
# tomcat/Dockerfile # Use the Tomcat Docker Official Image FROM tomcat:9.0-jdk11-openjdk # Use root USER root WORKDIR /usr/local/tomcat # Not necessary, but, install vim and bash-completion RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install -y vim RUN apt-get install -y bash-completion RUN apt-get clean RUN rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* run # Create 'tomcat' user RUN useradd -r -m -U -d /usr/local/tomcat -s /bin/false tomcat # Update repositories and install necessary tools: RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ passwd \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* # Change user owner RUN chown -R tomcat:tomcat /usr/local/tomcat # Change to 'tomcat' user USER tomcat # Copy log4j2 config file COPY conf/log4j2.json /usr/local/tomcat/conf/ # Copy config.json file COPY conf/config.json /usr/local/tomcat/conf/ # Copy .war files to the tomcat webapps folder. COPY webapps/*.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ EXPOSE 8080 # run Tomcat CMD ["catalina.sh", "run"]
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