VMMC Infrastructure

VMMC Infrastructure

The following information outlines the steps required to deploy the docker containers that will contain the services needed to run DWS with VMMC and DSDA projects.


High-Level Overview of the Infrastructure

The following deployment diagrams attempt to show how services and containers are deployed. We try to go from a high level of abstraction to a lower level of abstraction.


Principally, we are going to install in one machine a DOCKER service with NGNIX and CERBOT, and is this machine which is going to connect with the cloud.



NGNIX and CERBOT are going to be used to set the domain configuration and create a reverse proxy. Docker is going to have all the containers needed with the proper services to make work the VMMC project and DSDA.

Here we show all the containers needed:


tomcat and node_container are custom containers created to be available to install all our services. They have a dockerfile with the configuration.

Meanwhile, the rest of the services, don’t need a dockerfile and the configuration is created from the docker-compose file. We will see more details when we talk about each of them.


To know more about tomcat container and the services installed, we have this diagram:


And to know more about the node_container container we have this:


As mentioned previously, we will see each of them in their sections in this documentation..

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