eLearning Infrastructure

eLearning Infrastructure

The following deployment diagrams attempt to show how services and containers are deployed. We try to go from a high level of abstraction to a lower level of abstraction.

We will need to have two servers, on for The Moodle server, and the other one for th Analytical Stack Server

Moodle Server


Principally, we are going to install in one machine a DOCKER service with NGNIX and CERBOT, and is this machine which is going to connect with the cloud.



We will install two containers. One for moodle and the other one for our database:


Finally, we will need to install Impilo’s plugins for Moodle to, after that we don’t need to modify the containers, we will need to set the configuration in Moodle:



Analytical Stack Server


As the previos server, we will need to install the same applications: DOCKER service with NGNIX and CERBOT. And also we will need to connect with the cloud.


In this case, we will need to install the next containers: nifi, PostgreSQL and Superset:


We will need to set the nifi configuration usig the ZWE nifi template.




All this steps are detailed explained in the next sections.

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