Set docker configuration
Set docker configuration
Installation Steps
All the necessary services are going to be delocalized using docker.
Make sure that docker is installed on the machine you are going to use and that you have the proper permissions to be able to use it.
Due to the number of configurations. The steps have been divided into different pages. Each of these pages focuses on each of the major services.
To execute Docker commands, a user with sudo privileges is required. If the root user is accessible, there is no need to add the ‘sudo’ instruction.
First of all, we need to create the folder structure
Go to /opt and run the next command:
mkdir -p zw-vmmc-docker/certs \ zw-vmmc-docker/mongo/backups \ zw-vmmc-docker/nginx/certs \ zw-vmmc-docker/node_container/services \ zw-vmmc-docker/tomcat/conf \ zw-vmmc-docker/tomcat/webapps
It creates the next folder structure:
└── zw-vmmc-docker └── mongo └── backups └── node_container └── services └── tomcat └── conf └── webapps
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