Snack Lesson: Adding existing Data Elements

Snack Lesson: Adding existing Data Elements

The PCA Allows you to select existing Data Elements in the DHIS2 server. This is specially useful if you created a Data Element using the Maintenance App, or perhaps you accidentally removed a Data Element from you Program and want to add it back.

To select existing Data Elements,  select the Add Data Element(s) option on any Section. The default tab in the Add Data Elemen to Section window displays a search bar where you can type the Name, Short Name or Code of any Data Element to search for existing Data Elements.

After clicking the Search button, a list of Data Elements will be displayed. You can select one or more Data Elements to add these directly to the Section you selected.

Once you have selected the least one Data Element, the Add Selected Data Element(s) button will enable. Clicking this button will close the window and the Data Elements will be displayed inside the selected Section.

Try it for yourself! But don't save any changes as we will continue using this Program in future lessons.

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