API Usage
Live Agents Mediator API allows a user to register clients into a communication platform and allows the communication between a channel (facebook) and the communication platform where the client was registered (RocketChat). Check postman documentation here: Live Agents
Page Content:
- 1 POST - live-agents/registerClient
- 1.1 Request Body
- 1.2 Response
- 2 POST - /live-agents/sendMessageToClient
- 2.1 RequestBody
- 2.2 Response
- 3 POST - live-agents/sendMessageToAgent
- 3.1 Parameters
- 3.2 Response
- 4 GET - /live-agents/project/{projectName}/country/{countrycode}/day-status
- 4.1 Parameters
- 4.2 Response
- 5 DELETE - /live-agents/session/user/{userid}
- 5.1 Parameters
- 5.2 Response
POST - live-agents/registerClient
The first endpoint that should be called is /live-agents/registerClient as POST request. This API call will send the client request to Rocket Chat to be attended by an Agent.
This endpoint requires the user to be in an available working day/hour. Please, check more information about this validation here: Day Status
Request Body
"contact": {
"name": "", // OPTIONAL
"uuid": "",
"urn":"", //OPTIONAL
"mongoid":"" // OPTIONAL
"department": "",
"results": {},
Object name | Keys | Value type | Description |
| name | string | Contact name to be displayed on Rocket Chat contact information column. |
uuid | string | Uuid refers to a unique identifier to the contact registered. This uuid has some use cases:
| |
Under consideration recent conversation | string/ array ? | The last 10 or 20 interchanges between the bot and the user, to be re-posted to the agent that takes the conversation in RocketChat, to give context to the user request. | |
urn | string | The URN represents the channel joined with the ID of the client for that Channel. E.g: facebook:123456 refers that the communication channel is facebook and that the client id for that facebook page is 123456. | |
department | string | Department is the actual ‘department’ created on Rocket Chat to receive messages. | |
results | empty object | Results is an object used in Rapid Pro to store its local variables and values. With this parameter, live agents will be able to catch some messages sent by the client. |
In case the uuid is from RapidPro, it can be accessed via the Rapid Pro API, especifically from the Contacts Endpoint: Rapid Pro Contacts Endpoint. Please refer to that documentation in case you need to know some values required by the Live Agents API.
"status_code": 200,
"status": "success",
"msg": "success"
Keys | Value type | Description |
status_code | integer | Status code for internal process in service. |
status | string | Status code in a string representation. |
msg | string | Message for the status provided. Shows more details on what might have happened in error cases. |
POST - /live-agents/sendMessageToClient
SendMessageToClient endpoint allows sending a message from the Communication Platform (RocketChat) to a Channel (Facebook).
This endpoint works only if a user/customer is already registered in the Communication Plaftform. Otherwise, the service would not be able to find the user and the channel where the message is supposed to be sent.
This API call does not need to be done as second step if Rocket Chat has in the omnichannel webhook option the ‘Chats in queue’ enabled. This is because ‘Chats in queue’ sends in background a request to the service and updates the room id, in that case, no message would be received but the client can now send messages to the chat even if the chat is not taken.
SendMessageToClient endpoint allows users to send a message or an attachment to a client:
"visitor": {
"token": "",
"type": "",
"messages": [
"msg": ""
Object name | Keys | Value type | Description |
visitor | token | string | Token is the actual RapidPro contact UUID. With this, rapid pro would know where and to who the message will be sent. |
type | string | Type refers to the “type” of operation that RocketChat is doing. There are 3 types of operations supported by the live agents service:
If the request has by type “ If the request has type “ If the request has by type “ | |
messages | msg | string | Message to be sent to the client. If type of operation is “Message”, the property “msg” needs to be included, otherwise the API won’t throw an error. |
Request Body for Attachments
Sends an attachment to the client.
"visitor": {
"token": ""
"type": "Message",
"messages": [
"fileUpload": {
"publicFilePath": "",
"type": ""
Object name | Keys | Value type | Description |
visitor | token | string | Token is the actual RapidPro contact UUID. With this, rapid pro would know where and to who the message will be sent. |
type | string | Type refers to the “type” of operation that RocketChat is doing. There are 3 types of operations supported by the live agents service:
If the request has by type “ If the request has by type “ If the request has by type “ | |
messages | fileUpload | publicFilePath | URL where the image is hosted. |
type | Type of the multimedia to be sent. The supported types are:
"status_code": 200,
"status": "success",
"msg": "success"
Keys | Value type | Description |
status_code | integer | Status code for internal process in service. |
status | string | Status code in a string representation. |
msg | string | Message for the status provided. Shows more details on what might have happened in error cases. |
POST - live-agents/sendMessageToAgent
SendMessageToagent endpoint sends a message to a user in the Communication Platform (RocketChat.
This endpoint works only if a user/customer is already registered in the Communication Plaftform. Otherwise, the service would not be able to find the user and the channel where the message is supposed to be sent.
SendMessageToAgent endpoint allows clients to send a message or an attachment to an agent:
"contact": {
"name": "",
"uuid": ""
"results": {
"clientmessage": {
"value": ""
The request provided for the endpoint is similar to live-agents/registerClient. Now, we are sending “clientmessage” that is the actual message received from rapid pro flow.
Object name | Keys | Value type | Description |
| name | string | Contact name to be displayed on Rocket Chat contact information column. |
uuid | string | Uuid refers to a unique identifier to the contact registered in Rapid Pro. This is used to actually send message for the user instead of the URN. | |
results > clientmessage | value | string | Results is an object used in Rapid Pro to store its local variables and values. With this parameter, live agents will be able to catch some messages sent by the client. For this endpoint “clientmessage” is provided, so the service can send a text to Rocket Chat room. |
"status_code": 200,
"status": "success",
"msg": "success"
Keys | Value type | Description |
status_code | integer | Status code for internal process in service. |
status | string | Status code in a string representation. |
msg | string | Message for the status provided. Shows more details on what might have happened in error cases. |
GET - /live-agents/project/{projectName}/country/{countrycode}/day-status
Country day status endpoint provides the capability to look if the current day and hour is an operation hour for business. This means that if the current day and hour is not available, the API returns a property indicating this. Please, check more information about this endpoint here: Day Status
/live-agents/country/{countrycode}/day-status endpoint does not require a request body to operate as it is a GET method.
"time_zone": "Etc/GMT+6",
"start_date": "2023-11-21",
"end_date": "2023-11-21",
"start_time": "8:00",
"end_time": "17:00",
"is_registration_available": true,
"day_type": "working-day",
"day_name": "tuesday",
"message": "-"
Keys | Value type | Description |
time_zone | string | Contact name to be displayed on Rocket Chat contact information column. |
start_date | string | Uuid refers to a unique identifier to the contact registered in Rapid Pro. This is used to actually send message for the user instead of the URN. |
end_date | string | Results is an object used in Rapid Pro to store its local variables and values. With this parameter, live agents will be able to catch some messages sent by the client. For this endpoint “clientmessage” is provided, so the service can send a text to Rocket Chat room. |
start_time | string | Starting time for working/holiday |
end_time | string | Ending time for working/holiday |
is_registration_available | boolean | Availability for users to register on the communication platform |
day_type | string | What type of day is found for the current day: holiday or workingday |
day_name | string | Name of the found day:
message | string | Predefined message to be sent to the user reporting that the current day is not available for registration |
DELETE - /live-agents/session/user/{userid}
Delete user session endpoint allows to close a conversation in the Communication Platform (RocketChat) and delete any user session data stored in live agents service.
Delete user session endpoint is not allowed if the user conversation is already taken by a RocketChat agent. The endpoint will return a 405 not allowed status.
"status_code": 200,
"status": "success",
"msg": "success"
Keys | Value type | Description |
status_code | integer | Status code for internal process in service. |
status | string | Status code in a string representation. |
msg | string | Message for the status provided. Shows more details on what might have happened in error cases. |