Day Status
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  • Day Status

    Live Agents mediator exposes an endpoint called Day Status that shares the information of each country configuration file created. This configuration files has TOML extension with the following name convention: working-hours-[country code 2 letters].toml.

    Page content:

    Country File

    The country configuration file must contain the following structure:



    [gt] time_zone='' workingDayMessage = '' [[gt.days.workingDays]] day="" start_time="" end_time="" [[gt.days.holidays]] day="" start_date = "" end_date = "" message = ''

    For this example, gt stands for Guatemala refering to the 2 letter country code format. Each country configuration file must follow this naming convention.

    In this example, Guatemala have itā€™s own general information such as timezone and message for working days. Guatemala belongs to the Central Standard Time, so the timezone is GMT-6 and the time_zone value in the TOML file should follow the IBM value of timezone: List of time zones.

    So, guatemala should be set up with ā€˜Etc/GMT+6ā€™:

    time_zone = ā€˜Etc/GMT+6ā€™

    The second value is related to the working day message. This message will be shown as a response in the endpoint for every working day set up in the file.

    workingDayMessage = ā€˜This is an example message'

    Working days

    The working days are all those hours and days when the service is available for user registration. The working days structure is composed by three values:

    [[gt.days.workingDays]] day="" start_time="" end_time=""

    Day is associated to the name of the working day to be set up:

    day = ā€˜mondayā€™

    Start_time parameter is the starting hour for the specified day, the format must be hour:minutes

    start_time = ā€˜8:00ā€™

    End_time parameter is the starting hour for the specified day, the format must be hour:minutes

    end_time = ā€˜17:00ā€™

    Example single working day:

    [[gt.days.workingDays]] day="monday" start_time="8:00" end_time="17:00"

    Example multiple working day:

    [[gt.days.workingDays]] day="monday" start_time="8:00" end_time="12:00" [[gt.days.workingDays]] day="tuesday" start_time="9:00" end_time="15:00" [[gt.days.workingDays]] day="wednesday" start_time="12:00" end_time="16:00"

    Note that the structure for a workingDay starts with [[gt.days.workingDays]]. This is required as this header appends all the working days with into the same list. Please, be sure to always add this header to each working day.


    The holidays are all those days that the service is completely unavailable from 0:00 hour to 23:59. The holiday structure is composed by four values:

    [[gt.days.holidays]] day="" start_date = "" end_date = "" message = ''

    Day is associated to the name of the holiday day to be set up:

    day = ā€˜christmasā€™

    Start_date parameter is the starting day for the specified holiday, the format must be month-day

    start_date = ā€˜12-25ā€™

    The start_date format does not include the year. This is to avoid reconfiguring the holiday for the years to come.

    End_date parameter is the ending day for the specified holiday, the format must be month-day

    end_date= ā€˜17:00ā€™

    The end_date format does not include the year (like start_date). This is to avoid reconfiguring the holiday for the years to come.

    Message parameter is included so a custom message can be set up for the specific holiday, instead of having a generic message for all the holidays:

    message = ā€˜This is christmas custom messageā€™

    Example single holiday:

    [[gt.days.holidays]] day="Christmas" start_date = "11-25" end_date = "11-25" message = 'This is christmas custom message'

    Example multiple holidays:

    [[gt.days.holidays]] day="Christmas" start_date = "11-25" end_date = "11-25" message = 'This is Christmas custom message' [[gt.days.holidays]] day="Thanksgiving" start_date = "11-23" end_date = "11-23" message = 'This is Thanksgiving custom message' [[gt.days.holidays]] day="Labor Day" start_date = "09-02" end_date = "09-02" message = 'This is Labor Day custom message'

    Note that the structure for a holiday starts with [[gt.days.holidays]]. This is required as this header appends all the holidays with into the same list. Please, be sure to always add this header to each holiday.

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