Data Submission: PSI to MKA (JSI)

Data Submission: PSI to MKA (JSI)


Internal documentation to PSI. PSI uses multiple data elements that do not have a corresponding metadata equivalent on the MKA data model, thus they cannot be included in the CSV files that are sent to JSI for the MKA server. This article documents the changes that must be performed before sending CSV data files to JSI.


Steps for PSI

  • Remove the following data elements as they are not to be included in the data submission file:

Data Element

Data Set


Data Element

Data Set


MPHD - PSI PWI 2.2D_PSI_Number of USG-assisted organizations receiving organizational capacity development support

MPHD Country Quarterly


MPHD - XX 2.2-D Number of USG-assisted organizations receiving organizational capacity development support

MPHD Country Quarterly


MPHD - XX 2.2-N Number of MPHD-supported organizations with improved performance

MPHD Country Quarterly


MPHD - PSI PWI 2.2_PSI_Number of MPHD-supported organizations with improved performance

MPHD Country Quarterly


MPHD - PSI PWI 1.1 / X.Cut.6_PSI_Momentum Supervision support received during the period (y/n)

MPHD Facility Six Monthly


MPHD - PSI PWI 2.5_PSI_MPHD-supported facilities/outlets initiated or improved reporting into national HMIS (y/n)

MPHD Facility Six Monthly


MPHD - PSI PWI 2.6_PSI_Number of providers trained in high-quality service provision

MPHD Facility Six Monthly


  • As part of the new requirements coming from JSI, the following data elements required an annual submission, to do so, please reach out to the closest MPHD Technical Advisor to determine which data points to send to JSI:

Data Element

Data Set

Countries this applies to

Data Element

Data Set

Countries this applies to







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