

This is an open source project and contributions are always welcome. You can either share with me your idea or can contribute to the project by implementing those ideas. You can follow following general steps to contribute to this project:

  1. Fork the repository: Before contributing to this project, you need to create your own instance of this repository. You can create your copy of this repo by forking this repository.

  2. Clone the repository: Once you fork the repository, you need to clone the repository to your local machine so that you can make the changes. You can either use command line or a git client (eg github desktop).

  3. Create a branch: Before making any changes to the code, it is a good practice to crease a separate branch for your changes. This allows you to keep your changes separate from the main branch, and make it easier to manage and review your changes.

  4. Make changes: Once you have created a branch, you can make the changes you want to contribute. Make sure that your changes are well-documented and follow the coding standards and conventions used in the library.

  5. Commit changes: After making changes, you need to commit your changes to your branch. You can do this using a Git client or command line.

  6. Push changes: Next, you can push your changes to your forked repository. THis makes your changes available for review and inclusion in the main repository.

  7. Create a pull request: Finally, create a pull request to request that your changes be merged into the main repository. Please provide a clear description of your changes and also perform some smoke test and unit test to ensure it won’t break any changes.

  8. Wait for review: After creating a pull request, wait for the maintainers to review your changes. They may provide feedback or request for additional changes before merging your pull request

  9. Respond to feedback: If the maintainers provide feedback or request changes, you need to respond to their feedback and make any necessary changes to your code.

  10. Merge changes: Once your changes have been reviews and approved, they can be merged into the main repository.

    Pull Request Template

## Feature description Clearly describe the feature ## Analysis and design Analyse and attach the design documentation ## Solution description Describe your code changes in detail ## Output screenshot Post the output screenshots, if an UI is affected or added due to this feature ## Areas affected (if any) LIst out the areas affected by your code changes ## Smoke Test List out, if any, frontend testing performed ## Unit test cases List out the unit test cases added for this features


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