DHIS2 Configuration
Organization Unit Attributes Overview
Organization Unit Attributes are additional pieces of information that can be attached to each Organization Unit in DHIS2. These attributes can include information such as the facility's type, geographic location, or specific services offered. The use of Organization Unit Attributes allows for a more detailed and comprehensive representation of the health system and facilitates data analysis and decision-making. In DHIS2, Organization Unit Attributes can be created and managed through the System Settings section of the application. They can be assigned to specific Organization Units, and their values can be updated as needed. Additionally, Organization Unit Attributes can be used in data visualizations, reports, and other forms of analysis, providing users with a deeper understanding of the health system and its components.
LocatorAPI & Ounit Attributes
We have created number of organization unit attributes to disaggregate them based on various property or aspect. The list of organization unit attributes we have added are listed below:
OrgUnit Attribute | Value Type | Description | Example |
OU Location Area | Text | Area where the facility is located | Area1 |
OU Location Sub-Area | Text | SubArea where the facility is located | subArea1 |
OU Locator Type | Text | Enum | Defines if the organization unit is an outlet or provider | outlet / provider |
OU Outlet Type | Text | Defines the type of facility | Public |
OU Opening Hours | JSON | Defines the office hours for the facility Brief FHIR documents here: | syntax: [
"daysOfWeek": [
"openingTime": "hh:mm:ss",
"closingTime": "hh:mm:ss"
] example: [
"daysOfWeek": [
"openingTime": "08:00:00",
"closingTime": "18:00:00"
] example: [
"daysOfWeek": [
"openingTime": "08:00:00",
"closingTime": "17:00:00"
"daysOfWeek": [
"openingTime": "09:00:00",
"closingTime": "12:00:00"
] |
OU Services | Text (comma separated) | List of services offered by the facility (excluding Contraceptives services) | COV |
OU Contraceptives | Text (comma separated) | List of contraceptives services offered by the facility | IUD,IMP |
OU Social.WA | Text | Whatsapp number for the facility | 977 984123456 |
OU Social.FB | Text | FB url for the facility | |
OU Tags | Text (comma separated) | These tags are used to categorized the facility in various ways. For example by projects | proj1,proj2 |
DHIS2 Organization Unit Attributes Configuration
The above listed orgUnit Attributes can be imported in two different ways. Firstly you can download the metadata.json file below and use DHIS2 import and export tool to import these configuration.
Mapping Attributes UID
Once you import the orgUnit attributes, you can either go to DHIS2>Maintenance>Other>Attributes and check if the recently imported orgUnit attributes are there or you can use following DHIS2 API to verify the import.
Once the attributes are imported, please provide the uid of these attributes in the .env
#organisationUnit attributes
These uIds will be used by the application to generate the responses.