Testing PSI Android Fork
  • Ready for review
  • Testing PSI Android Fork

    The primary objective of this guide is to assist you in effectively navigating Android fork or standard application, as well as provide detailed, step-by-step instructions for performing basic web-based configurations that can be tested within the application itself. By following this guide, you will gain the ability to configure and set up all the essential items required for successful testing.

    It is important to note that the configurations that will be shown here are of a basic nature. To test the feedback module, a specific guide has been created for this purpose. To access the specific guide, click here.

    An effective test matrix has been thoroughly designed to capture the overall results of all tests. This matrix covers the essential attributes and elements that need be tested, along with their corresponding expected results. In addition, it provides a space to enter the actual test results and conveniently mark them as pass or fail.

    Table of contents:

    PSI Android Fork testing should be conducted on an Android v.6+ device. Do not attempt to conduct this testing via your web browser. We do not recommend testing on Android emulators as some functions may give false negatives during testing.

    Testing concepts

    In the testing field, some concepts and standards are necessary to conduct comprehensive testing. At a minimum, this includes:

    • Test case: a test case is a detailed set of conditions developed to verify the functionality of a specific feature.

    • Pre-conditions: specific criteria that must be met to execute the test case.

    • Expected result: expected behavior when executing a specific action or input in a system, application or process

    What servers and users to use



    Credentials to be used



    Credentials to be used

    The server is a copy of the production environment, which is copied nightly and overwritten every day. It is the perfect environment for testing because configuration changes will last for one day.

    Use the same real-life community, workers, providers, supervisor. Just change the password.

    If the account doesn’t work, request account activation via




    This server is a stable copy of the production environment, which is copied approximately every 2–3 months

    The accounts on this server are different from those on the production server. If you don't have a user account, please request one by clicking on the following link. Soporte

    • Do not use production server - you don't want to mess the data in production.


    The android app is not optimized for accounts with extensive access to numerous programs and datasets, resulting in prolonged login times when using the DHIS2 Android application. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid assigning an excessive number of programs to a single user, as this may significantly impact performance and efficiency

    Testing Programs

    In DHIS2, you have the ability to define customized programs comprising various stages. These programs play a crucial role in the "tracker" functionality, enabling you to thoroughly track individual records. DHIS2 offers two types of programs that you can create:

    • Tracker program: A program to record a single event without registration.

    • Event program: A program to record single or multiple events with registration.

    Verify that the event programs assigned to the user are loaded correctly



    Log in to the selected server using a user account that has the necessary permissions to create a program


    Log in to the selected server using a user account that has the necessary permissions to create a program


    Have organization units available for selection in the programs.

    1. Create a data set, to create an event program proceed as follows: Maintenance/Program/Program

    2. Click on the plus button.

    3. Select to add an event program.

    4. Fill in the form with the corresponding items.

    5. Select the Access tab.

    6. In the organization units section, select the organization units that will have access to this program.

    7. Add the users that will have access to the program in the roles and access section.

    8. Select “Can view only” in metadata and “Can capture and view” in Data.

    9. Log in to the Android Fork using the user that was added in the sharing settings.

    Expected results: The event programs assigned to the user should load accurately upon logging into Android Fork.

    Verify that the tracker programs assigned to the user are loaded correctly



    Log in to the selected server using a user account that has the necessary permissions to create a program


    Log in to the selected server using a user account that has the necessary permissions to create a program


    Have organization units available for selection in the programs.

    1. Create a data set, to create an event program proceed as follows: Maintenance/Program/Program

    2. Click on the plus button.

    3. Select to add a tracker program.

    4. Fill in the form with the corresponding items.

    5. Select the Access tab.

    6. In the organization units section, select the organization units that will have access to this program.

    7. Add the users that will have access to the program in the roles and access section.

    8. Select “Can view only” in metadata and “Can capture and view” in Data.

    9. Log in to the Android Fork using the user that was added in the sharing settings.

    Expected results: The tracker programs assigned to the user should load accurately upon logging into Android Fork.

    Program rules - Assign competency in assessments



    Log in to the selected server using a user account that has the necessary permissions to create program rules


    Log in to the selected server using a user account that has the necessary permissions to create program rules


    Tracker and event programs created successfully

    1. Create a program rule, to create program rule proceed as follows: Maintenance/Program/Program rule

    2. Click on the plus button.

    3. Enter program rule expression.

    4. Define program rule actions.

    5. Log in to the Android Fork and verify the program rule.


    Expected results: The program rule should work correctly, in this case the program rule is specifically designed to calculate the competency class, which is automatically determined by considering all correctly answered critical questions and the non-critical questions with a score of 89.9 or higher.

    Program rules - Hide/Show



    Log in to the selected server using a user account that has the necessary permissions to create program rules


    Log in to the selected server using a user account that has the necessary permissions to create program rules


    Tracker and event programs created successfully

    1. Create a program rule, to create program rule proceed as follows: Maintenance/Program/Program rule

    2. Click on the plus button.

    3. Enter program rule expression.

    4. Define program rule action

    5. Log in to the Android Fork and verify the program rule.


    Expected results: This program rule enables you to hide or show a designated question or section based on a condition of your choice. Once the specified condition is met, the question or section will be promptly and accurately displayed.

    Option set



    Log in to the selected server using a user account that has the necessary permissions to create option set


    Log in to the selected server using a user account that has the necessary permissions to create option set


    Tracker and event programs created successfully

    1. Create a option set, to create a option set proceed as follows: Maintenance/Other/Option set

    2. Click on the plus button.

    3. Enter the name and options.

    4. Log in to the Android Fork and verify the option set.

    Expected results: When you click on the question that has been assigned an option set, the corresponding options should be displayed.




    Log in to the selected server using a user account that has the necessary permissions to create legends


    Log in to the selected server using a user account that has the necessary permissions to create legends


    Tracker and event programs created successfully

    1. Create a legend, to create a legend proceed as follows: Maintenance/Other/Legend

    2. Click on the plus button.

    3. Enter the name, values and color.

    4. Log in to the Android Fork and verify the legend.

    Expected results: The legend should dynamically appear based on the selected option in the question. It should be displayed next to the question, showcasing both the selected text and its corresponding color.

    Saving data without internet connectivity



    Tracker and event programs created successfully


    Tracker and event programs created successfully


    Login to the application correctly


    Deactivate the Internet connection

    1. Select a program.

    2. Fill in the fields.

    3. Save the program.


    4. The application should display a “Cycle” icon in the data set saved.

    Expected results: The form should be saved on the device, but the device is not connected to the Internet, so the data is not sent to DHIS2, therefore the application should display a gray "cycle" icon.

    Send the data stored to DHIS2



    Login to the Android Fork and open the program


    Have data stored on the device

    1. Tap on the "Cycle" icon in the upper right corner.

    2. Tap on the Send button.

    Expected results: A message should appear indicating that all data have been sent to DHIS2.

    Verify the data sent to DHIS2



    Login to the Android Fork and open the program


    Send data to DHIS2

    1. Log in to the server where the data was sent to.

    2. Open Tracker capture to tracker program and capture to event program.

    3. Look for data sent from the application and compare the data.

    Expected results: The data displayed on the server must match the data displayed in the application.

    Testing data sets

    Data entry in DHIS2 is effectively organized using data sets. A data set serves as a collection of data elements grouped together for streamlined data collection. In distributed installations, data sets also define portions of data for seamless export and import between different instances of DHIS2. For example, data can be transferred from a local installation at a district office to a national server. Data sets are not directly linked to the data values themselves, but rather through their associated data elements and frequencies. As a result, modifications, deletions, or additions to a data set can be made at any time without impacting the raw data already captured in the system. However, it is important to note that such changes will naturally affect the process of collecting new data.

    Once you have assigned a data set to an organisation unit, that data set will be made available in Data Entry for the organisation units you have assigned it to and for the valid periods according to the data set's period type.

    Verify that the data sets assigned to the user are loaded correctly




    Log in to the selected server using a user account that has the necessary permissions to create a data set


    Log in to the selected server using a user account that has the necessary permissions to create a data set


    Have organization units available for selection in the data sets.

    1. Create a data set, to create a data set proceed as follows: Maintenance/Data Set/Data Set

    2. Click on the plus button.

    3. Fill in the form with the corresponding items.

    4. In the organization units section, select the organization units that will have access to this dataset and click on the save button.

    5. Log in to the Android fork using a user who has been assigned the selected organization unit in the previous step.

    6. Add the user or group of users in the sharing configuration corresponding to the dataset and assign it the option Can capture and view

    7. Log in to the Android Fork using the user that was added in the sharing settings.

    Expected results: The datasets assigned to the user should load accurately upon logging into Android Fork.

    Verify that the category and category combination are visible on the application

    This test verifies the successful assignment of user permissions to view the category and category combination.



    Log in to the selected server using a user account that has the necessary permissions to create a data set


    Log in to the selected server using a user account that has the necessary permissions to create a data set


    Create a dataset successfully

    1. Add the user or user group to the sharing settings.

    2. Assign permissions to the user to view the category and category combination.

    3. Log in to Android Fork using the user that was added to the sharing settings

    4. Open the dataset containing the configured category

    Expected results: The user can view the category and the category combination, but cannot modify the text.

    Verify the validation rules


    Log in to the selected server using a user account that has the necessary permissions to create a data set


    Log in to the selected server using a user account that has the necessary permissions to create a data set


    Create a dataset successfully


    Create validation rules successfully

    1. Log in to Android Fork using the user that has access to the created dataset.

    2. Open the Data set

    3. Verify the validation rules created.


    Expected results: The application should display a validation message and highlight the fields that do not comply with the validation rule.

    Saving data sets without internet connectivity


    Log in to the selected server using a user account that has the necessary permissions to create a data set


    Log in to the selected server using a user account that has the necessary permissions to create a data set


    Create a dataset successfully


    Create validation rules successfully


    Login to the Android Fork and open the data set


    Deactivate the Internet connection

    1. Fill in the form.

    2. Tap on the Save button.

    3. The application should display a “Cycle” icon in the data set saved.


    Expected results: The form should be saved on the device, but the device is not connected to the Internet, so the dataset is not sent to DHIS2, therefore the application should display a gray "cycle" icon.

    Send the data stored to DHIS2


    Log in to the selected server using a user account that has the necessary permissions to create a data set


    Log in to the selected server using a user account that has the necessary permissions to create a data set


    Create a data set successfully


    Create validation rules successfully


    Login to the Android Fork and open the data set


    Have data stored on the device

    1. Tap on the "Cycle" icon in the upper right corner.

    You can send each dataset individually, clicking on its cycle icon to the right of its name

    2. Tap on the Send button

    Expected results: A message should appear indicating that all data have been sent to DHIS2.

    Verify the data sent to DHIS2


    Log in to the selected server using a user account that has the necessary permissions to create a data set


    Log in to the selected server using a user account that has the necessary permissions to create a data set


    Create a data set successfully


    Create validation rules successfully


    Login to the Android Fork and open the data set


    Data sent to DHIS2 correctly

    1. Log in to the server where the data was sent to.

    2. Open the data entry

    3. Select the data set filled in

    4. Compare data


    Expected results: The data displayed on the server must match the data displayed in the application.

    Testing Analytics




    The application must have completed assessments


    Select the analytics section located at the bottom of the home page


    1. Check the charts.

    2. Check that it is possible to move from one tab to another.


    1. Tap on the three dots in the upper right corner of the chart.

    2. Change the view type of the charts

    View as bar

    View as line

    View as value

    View as table

    View as bar

    View as line

    View as value

    View as table





    Expected results:

    The application should allow switching to another tab, and the charts should update correctly, as well as the view types should be available.


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