ServiceRequest - FHIR

ServiceRequest - FHIR





FHIR resource link

ServiceRequest - FHIR v4.3.0

ServiceRequest - FHIR v5.0.0

FHIR definition
(edited for PSI)

ServiceRequest represents a proposal or plan or order for a service to be performed that would result in a Procedure or DiagnosticReport

This resource may be used to share relevant information required to support a referral or a transfer of care request from one practitioner or organisation to another. Examples include: (list edited for PSI)

  • counseling

  • surgeries or procedures

  • specialist consultation and assessments

  • other clinical interventions.

The ServiceRequest resource allows requesting only a single procedure. If a workflow requires requesting multiple procedures simultaneously, this is done using multiple instances of this resource.

PSI use case

Use for managing vouchers

Required properties

see below


Implemented: none

Under consideration:

  • none

Sample payload

(minimum set)

{ "resourceType": "ServiceRequest", "id": "144235", "meta": { "versionId": "2", "lastUpdated": "2023-07-12T08:12:48.645+00:00", "source": "#pOsuiFSdYdvNq6of", "profile": [ "SRH_HIV-SWZ" ] }, "identifier": [ { "system": "http://sample.info/voucher-seq-no", "value": "208078" } ], "status": "completed", "intent": "proposal", "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://sample.info/voucher-code", "code": "059XWB" } ] }, "occurrenceDateTime": "2023-07-06T10:27:38.883Z", "requester": { "reference": "Practitioner/554" }, "subject": { "reference": "Patient/140895" } }


Notes for ServiceRequest FHIR resource, per property


Required by PSI?



Required by PSI?


PSI tags

Yes [psi]

Country ISO-3 code

Project Code

PENDING: implementation of this property


Yes [psi]

Voucher code: 12XYZ + control digit = 6 characters.


Yes [fhir]

  • draft: available ID

  • on-hold: taken by an offline application

  • active: voucher issued

  • completed: voucher redeemed

  • revoked: voucher cancelled

  • entered-in-error | unknown - not specific use

see voucher page for further info on how this status are assigned at PSI


Yes [fhir]

  • proposal: default value for vouchers issued by an social worker/ Chat Bot

  • plan: request issued by a health professional - example, HIV confirmatory test?

Other values, probably not applicable to PSI typical use cases: Valueset-request-intent - FHIR v5.0.0


Yes [fhir]

Refers to the patient (client) resource id that the voucher was assigned to - Must be completed for status:

  • active (issued)

  • completed (completed)


optional [psi]

For status: active, completed

dateTime that the voucher was issued to the client (patient)


optional [psi]

For status:

  • on-hold (who took the voucher offline)

  • active, completed

Who issued the voucher:

  • Practitioner (meaning the health worker)

  • If a Bot use XXXXXX



optional [psi]

For status: active, completed

dateTime that the voucher was issued to the client (patient)


optional [psi]

For status: active

when the voucher is expected to be used


optional [psi]

For status: active

Location the voucher is expected to be used


optional [psi]

For status: active, completed

Services/ goods that the voucher can be used for.


optional [psi]

For status: active, completed

Details of the message with the voucher share with the client (method of sending, date and time of sending)


Redeem date


AN array? Or better to have links from the services and goods back to this voucher ?

What happens if this voucher can be used:

  • Multiple times?

  • For more than one service?


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