FHIR external tools / resources
Online tool to instantly convert your FHIR resource between XML and JSON representation.
Members Only - SIMPLIFIER.NET : Online tool to check if a resource is valid FHIR and conforms to its profile(s).
validator.fhir.org: JSON FHIR validator (it is a web-based interface of FHIR Validator jar). It has an API.
http://registry.fhir.org is a central point to search for published FHIR Resources:
https://simplifier.net : The FHIR registry
https://synthetichealth.github.io/synthea/ Synthea is a Synthetic Patient Population Simulator. The goal is to output synthetic, realistic (but not real), patient data and associated health records in a variety of formats (including FHIR).
Example of Extension (extension adds the insee code (5 digits) to the address)
ValueSet http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/iso3166-1-3