DiagnosisReport - FHIR

DiagnosisReport - FHIR





FHIR resource link




FHIR definition


The findings and interpretation of diagnostic tests performed on patients, groups of patients, products, substances, devices, and locations, and/or specimens derived from these. The report includes clinical context such as requesting provider information, and some mix of atomic results, images, textual and coded interpretations, and formatted representation of diagnostic reports. The report also includes non-clinical context such as batch analysis and stability reporting of products and substances.

PSI use case

Findings and interpretation of diagnostic tests performed on patients, groups of patients. The report includes context such a

  1. subject: for whom was the test performed

  2. requestor (who ordered the test, if applicable)

  3. performer - who did the test

  4. interpreter/reporter - who provided the test result information

FHIR required properties

see below

PSI required properties*

Country and PsiProjectCode *



future use

Sample payload

(minimum set)

{ "resourceType": "DiagnosticReport", "id": "diagnosticreport-example", "status": "final", "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://loinc.org", "code": "16581-5", "display": "HIV 1+2 Ab [Presence] in Serum" } ], "text": "HIV 1+2 Ab [Presence] in Serum" }, "subject": { "reference": "Patient/example" }, "effectiveDateTime": "2013-01-17T08:00:00+00:00", "issued": "2013-01-20T08:00:00+00:00", "performer": [ { "reference": "Practitioner/example" } ], "resultsInterpreter": [ { "reference": "#p1" } ], "specimen": [ { "reference": "#s1" } ], "result": [ { "reference": "#r1" } ], ... }


Notes for Diagnosis Report FHIR resource, per property


Required by PSI?



Required by PSI?


PSI tags

Yes [psi/fhir]

Country ISO-3 code

Project Code

PENDING: implementation as extension


optional [psi/fhir]

Service Request (could be a voucher)


Yes [psi/fhir]

for R4B:
registered: report exist, but it is not yet logged
preliminary: initial or interim observation: data may be incomplete or unverified
modified: Not yet final, the resource has been updated
final: complete and verified by an authorized person
amended: modified after being marked as final
corrected: an error has been rectified
cancelled: started, but not completed
entered-in-error | unknown

only for R5:
partial: aka draft - data is incomplete or unverified
amended: after final, data has been added (but not modified)


Yes [psi]

Service category. Examples:
IMM - Immunology


Yes [psi/fhir]

LOINC code. Example:

"http://loinc.org", "code": "16581-5", "display": "HIV 1+2 Ab [Presence] in Serum"

List of LOINC codes for HIV Testing 75622-1


Yes [psi]

The patient ID that this result relates to.


optional [psi]

The encounter ID that triggered this diagnosis


Yes [psi]

Who did the test
Expected: Organization id, Practitioner id
limitation : will not take Patient id.
Self Testing: we will store a null value (Aug 2023).
(seeking feedback from community about how best to report self-testing)


Yes [psi]

Who interpreted the results
Expected: Organization id, Practitioner id
limitation : will not take Patient id.
Self Testing: we will store a null value (Aug 2023).
(seeking feedback from community about how best to report self-testing)


optional [psi/fhir]

Sample ID, if applicable


Yes [psi]

Although optional in FHIR, at PSI if we create a Diagnosis Report is because we have a result to store.

Based on SNOMED CT Clinical findings. Examples need verification

  • HIV positive: 165816005
    ICD-10 Codes: Z21X

  • HIV negative: 165815009
    ICD-10 Codes: No Cross-Mapping.

  • HIV 1 indeterminate: 719727000
    ICD-10 Codes: No Cross-Mapping

  • HIV 2 indeterminate: 719767004
    ICD-10 Codes: No Cross-Mapping.

Source: Finding of HIV status (snomedbrowser.com)


optional recommended [psi/fhir]

Comments about the diagnostic report
Examples: “Patient self-reported”. “AI image interpretation”


optional [psi/fhir]



optional [psi/fhir]

markdown, free text


optional [psi/fhir]

SNOMED CT code, if result is conclusive


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