7- Exporting a Program
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  • 7- Exporting a Program

    To export the metadata of a Program using the PCA, follows these steps:

    1. Search for your Program using the search bar in the List of Programs.

    2. Open the Program Menu using the three dots located on the far-right.

    1. Select Backup/Restore, a sub-menu will appear. Under the In Current Device section, select Export JSON Metadata. A window will be displayed where you can customise the JSON file before downloading it.

    1. This window displays a dropdown that can apply various presets to clean the downloaded JSON file in order to ensure that the target server will accept the file when imported (or at least to improve compatibility and minimise errors).

    2. Select Another Server in the Target Server field and enable the JSON Customization switch.

    1. The JSON File Objects and JSON Attributes Settings sections can be expanded and collapsed by clicking each header. Expand the JSON Attributes Settings. Some options are already preselected based on the Target Server selected previously.

    1. If the JSON Customization switch is enabled, a Download both original and modified files checkbox is be displayed. Enabling this option will allow you to download a copy of the original file when downloading your customised file in case you need it. For this demonstration we will check this option.

    1. Click on the Download button, you will notice tha both files are downloaded (your browser may ask you if you want to download multiple files, please keep that in mind when using this feature).

    2. Log in to a Play DHIS2 Server (Play Server) using the following credentials:
      Username: District
      Pass: admin

    3. Access the Import/Export App.

    1. Go to Metadata Import and select your customised JSON file (the one that does NOT contain the word RAW) and import it.

    1. Click on the Start dry run Button. If there are no errors, the Summary Report will be generated.

    1. After verifying that your file will be imported correctly, click on the Start Import button. Once the Program has been imported, search for it in the Maintenance App.


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