Excel H2 Template
  • Ready for review
  • Excel H2 Template

    Once you have downloaded the Excel template for an H2 assessment, the file will contain 4 tabs:

    • Tab 1: Instructions about how to use the template excel tab

    • Tab 2: the Template

    • Tab 3: This is the Mapping tab for reference only - you cannot edit it. This tab will list all the option sets / Health Area / Legend etc used in the Excel sheet.

    • Tab 4: Release Notes tab is for reference only - you cannot edit it. Please refer to this tab for latest features and fixes.

    When you open the sheet, ‘Template’ tab will be selected by default.

    The Instructions tab

    This tab provides brief information related to the Excel sheet. You can go through this tab to have a thorough understanding of all the fields in the sheet (See Image 1).

    Image 1: Instruction Tab

    Most of the text in this tab are protected except for few fields listed below.

    1. Program Name: is the name of the checklist

    2. Program Short Name: is the short name provided to the checklist

    3. Use Competency Class: will determine if competency class will be included with the program

    4. Program DE Prefix: Is the prefix that is added to every Data Element related to the program in DHIS2.

    5. Health Area: is the health area where checklist will be assigned

    All the above listed fields are required.

    The Template tab

    This tab will present all the current content of the program stage. In the template, a row can represent:

    • Section: they represent the Program Stage sections and contain data elements. The section row is highlighted in Orange. Those data elements can be of three types:

      • Label: a data element that will be rendered as non-editable text, to give information to the user. The label row is highlighted in Green.

      • Question: a data element that it is used to capture information - the questions of an H2 list

      • Score: non-editable data elements that are used to store calculated scores in H2

    You will select this options in Column B of the template.

    Image 2: Template Tab

    Managing Assessment Sections

    • To add another Section the user only will have to add a new row ( Is very important to remark that an entire row needs to be added ) right below the previous section’s last Data Element.

      • For a new section, the user has to select "Section" on the Structure ( B ) column.

      • Then write a form name that will be the name displayed for the new section.

    Managing labels, questions, scores (Data Elements)

    • To add a new Data Element you have to find the right position where you want it and add a new entire row right below.

    Parent Name (column A)

    Is used as reference in conjunction to ‘Parent Question’ column ( L ). This field is auto generated and follows the structure “_S#Q#” where “S” represent the section number and “Q” signifies the “Question”.

    Example: _S1Q15 signifies the 15th Question in the 1st Section of the Program Stage.

    Structure (column B)

    • For a new DE the user will have to select between a label or question

      1. If "label" is selected by the user only will have to fill the form name

      2. If the option selected is "question" the User will have to fill in the form name and other fields

    Form name (column C)

    Form name is the text that will be displayed in the form during the assessment.

    Critical (column D) and Compulsory (column E)

    • The critical and compulsory columns by default are going to be filled with "No". If the question is compulsory indicates that the user will not be able to complete the assessment until this question has been answered. A critical question means that these questions will count for the calculated score.

    Value Type (column F)

    The value type field defines the kind of response the system expect to receive from the user.

    Option Set (column G)

    User will be able to fill the option set with options set previously created on DHIS. For a question, if an Option Set is selected, the “Value Type (column F) must match the value type of the Option Set.

    Legend (column H)

    The legend field allows the user to choose if he wants to apply some colour for "correct" or "incorrect" answers. Also will be created on DHIS. The legend will be displayed in the form and in the Feedback module in the app.

    Score Numerator (column I) & Denominator (column J)

    These fields are used in the formulas for score calculation.

    Compositive Indicator (column K)

    The composite indicator Field is the order of the questions for example if you’re listing the First Section ( Section 1) Data Elements this will start at 1.1 and ends in 1.x.

    Parent Question (column L)

    Parent question decide the hide show logic for some question. The user will have to select for the parent question the value of the "Parent question" Column A and put it in the Parent questions Column L of the Child question. Essentially, the Data Element defined in the row won't be displayed in the data entry form until a certain condition applies to the selected parent.

    Answer Value (column M)

    The answer value specifies the value that will trigger the “show” rule of the question defined in the row. The answer value field will be filled by the user with the options that expect to receive in the parent question for showing the child question.

    Feedback Text (column N)

    Feedback text field should be filled by the user, for example when you want to display some text above the DE to do some reminder or something you fill the Feedback field.

    Description (column O)

    The description also should be filled in by the user, the description is for the configuration side (Description will not be displayed on the app).

    Errors/Warning/Info (column S)

    The template contain a column to show the errors, warnings or information related to the Data Element in the row, this errors help to check the issues before importing the template in the Program Stage. If there are errors in the template, the same errors will be displayed in the Summary Report After Validate the template in the PCA interface.

    Section for Scores - special case

    • Under the "Scores" section, the user will be able to add a new score.

      • To add a new score, select the position where you want to insert it and add a new row.

      • Select column B" Score" and fill in the form name and the composite score.

    Global Validation present in the Excel template

    The Excel template will show a cell with the red background, or an alter dialogue box will show if any of the following validations is violated;

    Instruction Tab

    1. If the Program Name doesn’t exist in the Program List (column R) in the Mapping tab

    2. If the program Name exceeds 225 character.

    3. If the Prefix length exceeds 25 characters

    4. If the Use ‘Competency Class’ value is other than ‘Yes / No’.

    5. If the value of Health Area doesn’t exist in the Health Area list (column M) in the Mapping tab.

    Template Tab

    1. If the Structure value is other than Section / label / question / score.

    2. If the Critical Step value is other than ‘Yes / No’

    3. If the Compulsory value is other than ‘Yes / No’

    4. If the Value Type doesn’t match one of the Value type listed in column B in the Mapping Type.

    5. If the Option set value doesn’t exist in the Mapping’s Option Sets (column H)

    6. If the legend doesn’t exist in Legend set (column O) in the Mapping tab.

    7. If the ‘Score Numerator’ and ‘Score Denominator’ are not of type Decimal

    8. If any of the ‘Score Numerator’ and ‘Score Denominator’ have negative value.

    9. If ‘Parent Name’ is not defined for an element of Structure type ‘label or question’

    10. A form number is not defined, though Structure value is selected.

    11. Form name is too long or is out of accepted range MIN_FORM_NAME_LENGTH

    12. If only ‘Score Numerator' or ‘Score Denominator’ is provided.

    13. If one of ‘Parent Question’ or ‘Parent Answer’ is provided, and other one is missing.

    14. If both Parent Name and Parent Question has same value.

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