

HNQIS version 1.X is being depreciated. Please refer to the latest version H2 technical documentation.

Initially developed in 2015 as a custom android application using DHIS2 events data model to store data.

The app had four modules:

  • Plan: helps the supervisor to prioritise to whom and when a visit should be made.

  • Assess: displays a set of questions to assess the provider/facility.

  • Improve: identifies failed questions and critical gaps, standardises feedback scripts in line with organisational global guidelines and allows the creation of Action Plans that are shareable through email, WA or SMS.

  • Monitor: monitoring of provider/facility performance assigned to the supervisor officer to help in the targeting of efforts.

HNQIS 1.X uses DHIS2 events for storage and analytics, but requires using the custom HNQIS 1.X android app, and cannot be used DHIS2 capture app. Analytics is done using various custom scripts and rendered in DHIS2 dashboard.

Full documentation for HNQIS is available as a PDF Manual.

Technical documentation is available as Google Doc

App is available a Google Play Store

Source code for app is available at GitHub