H2 Deployment Guidelines - Environments

H2 Deployment Guidelines - Environments

H2 runs complex DHIS2 tracker configurations. For most implementations, these configurations are downloaded into phones and tablets running DHIS2 android. Quality supervisors, the main users of the H2 solution, work offline for some of the assessments. Hence changes to the metadata should be carefully conducted in a separate environment to production, carefully tested, and then deployed with appropriate communications to all quality supervisors.

We normally recommend for organizations using DHIS2 follow best practices and use the following environments:



Testing/ Staging




Testing/ Staging



Prototyping of new features. Can change at any time: unstable environment.

Configurations ready for testing, small limited pilots, or training

User-ready, real-time information system

used for testing, pilots or training


Full testing cycle

Limited pilots

Never - this server stores all ‘live’ assessments

Data preservation and quality

Inconsistent, incomplete data, not appropriate for analysis

Complete datasets appropriate for short-term analytics prototyping, but not the actual system of record

the system of records

PCA use

Yes - all programs should be designed here

Yes - all programs should be edited and tested here

No - you should never edit a H2 program in a production server directly (with PCA or via D2 maintenance). Instead edit in testing or staging, and when all test pass, move to production.



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