From the Home screen you can view both the About PCA and HNQIS 2.0 Status details by clicking the Cog Icon in the top right corner of the screen which opens a dropdown menu to select from:
About PCA: displays a pop-up window with relevant information about the application and the DHIS2 server where the app is being used.
HNQIS 2.0 Status: as the app can be used to configure HNQIS2 checklists, this pop-up window shows the installed version of HNQIS2 Metadata Package. If the package has not been installed, is out of date or is corrupt (missing essential elements), the user will be able to install it from here.
Please note, special user permission is required for installing this metadata package. The permissions are included in the PCA - Administrator User Role, but any user with the following permissions will be able to install the package:
Add/Update Public Option Sets.
Add/Update Public Data Elements
Add/Update Public Tracked Entity Attributes
Add/Update Public Tracked Entity Types
Add/Update Public Attributes
Add/Update Public Legend Sets
Add/Update Public User Groups
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