PSI's DHIS Organisation Units Tree

In DHIS2 Organisation Units are used to represent administrative subdivisions for which we can collect and later analyse data. Organisation units are organized within a hierarchy, also referred to as a tree. The hierarchy will reflect the organizational/ country structure and its levels. Typical levels in such a hierarchy are the national, province, district and facility levels.

PSI Countries hierarchy

This is the main hirerchy, which is exposed to all users. It is structured as follows










PSI Region







4-6 or 7

Subnational Level 1,2,3,(4)



7 or 8




8 or 9

Health Worker




MPHD hierarchy

would this be a root? or leave as an exemption in Test Countries?

Unitaid hierarchy

Is this an error? Does it need to be a root OU?


Test Countries hierarchy

Only available to system administrators.

The main purpose of this tree is to contain ‘ready-to-go’ countries with sub-national level 1 and 2, and related geo-data ready for production - they just need to be moved to the main PSI tree “PSI Countries” hierarchy.

This tree is also used for limited just-before go-live testing. In general, we do not expect more than 1 or 2 events for a program, or 2 or 3 data points on a dataset. Ideally data should be deleted.