User's manual
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  • User's manual

    This page explains how to use the tools and provided by RocketChat.

    Page content:

    Log In

    To Log In in RocketChat, the following steps must be performed:

    1. Open the web browser and type in the search bar the RocketChat url

    2. Once you are in the Login page, type the user name

    3. After typing your username, type the password for the username

    4. Click on the Login button

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    RocketChat tools

    1. Main tools

      1. Home Page: After a successful login, RocketChat redirects the user to the home page.

      2. Search: The system provides a search tool to find channels and private messages with other agents within RocketChat.

      3. Directory: Esta funciĆ³n permite navegar entre los canales, usuarios y equipos a los cuales pertenecemos.

      4. Show: Filter the chat order.

    2. Channelā€™s configuration

      1. Enable/Disable: This option enables Omnichannel Queue. After enabling this option, agents will be able to check any incoming chat to the Omnichannel department they are assigned to.

      2. Omnichannel Contact Center: is a directory of contacts, chats, and calls in your Omnichannel workspace.

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    Queued Chats

    Waiting chats are shown on the left side bar in the Queued Chats section:

    This section will only show for those users that have already activated the Omnichannel Queue chats. Additionally, the user must have LiveChat Agent rol, but also the agent user must be assigned to a Omnichannel department.

    Incoming chats that does not have any name on it will appear as guest-#.

    Attend Queued Chat

    To attend a chat that is already in the Queued Chats section, the user must click on the chat to take. After clicking on the Chat, a new window will appear on the right section of the main screen. The following steps describe how to Take the Chat:

    1. Click on the customer chat that you want to take:


    1. On the middle/right section of the main page, a new section will appear. This section shows all the details about the selected customer. At the bottom of the page, the user will see a button named Take It!, click on it to take selected chat:

    1. After taking the chat, a new input section is enabled so the agent user is able to send emojis or messages to the customer. Also, a new icon will be displayed on the top section. This button allows the agent to move back the current chat to the queue.

    Write a message to the conversation

    Once the chat is already taken by the agent user, the messages sent to the conversation will reach the customer channel (Facebook). The following steps describe how to start sending messages to a customer:

    1. Click on the bottom message field and type the message that you want to send.

    2. Click on the send button on the right side of the message field.


    3. After clicking on the send button, the message will be sent to the customer:

    The system does not allow to send the following elements:

    • Files (PDF, Excel)

    Text Styles

    RocketChat provides text customization when typing a message within a chat. This text customization allows a user to bold, strike, add formula expressions and add multiline text. These text customization is found right below the text field to write messages:

    1. Bold: Texto en negrita

    2. Italic: Texto en cursiva

    3. Tachado: Subraya el texto

    Move chats back to the queueMover mensajes a la cola

    After taking a chat, the system adds a button to move back the conversation to the queue, so the chat can be taken by another agent. The following steps describe how to move back a chat to the queue:

    1. Click on Move to the queue:


    2. A new window will be shown. This window asks for a confirmation to move back the chat to the queue. Click on the Confirm button:


    3. The message will be back in the queue. If you click again on the customer chat, a new message will be shown describing that the chat was taken back to the queue by the agent user:

    Close a conversation

    RocketChat allows an agent user to close the customer chat after resolving all the questions were answered. The following steps describe how to close a customerā€™s chat:

    1. Click on the close button right on top of the user:

    1. A comment must be written before closing the chat. After writting some comment, the agent can close the chat by clicking Confirm button:

    A tag can be added optionally before confirming to close the chat. To do this, type a keyword (1 word if possible) and then click on Add button on the right side of the tag field. This will add the tag to the conversation.

    Room Information

    RocketChat provides information that belongs to the selected customer and room. This information is useful to check some metadata such as:

    1. Contact: Shows contact name.

    2. Agent: Shows agent user that is replying to the conversation.

    3. Department: Shows the department on which the customer was assigned.

    4. Queue time: Customer waiting time on queue.

    5. Created at: Date and time on which the customer chat was created in RocketChat.

    6. Taken at: Date and time on which the customer chat was taken by an agent user in RocketChat.

    7. Average response time: Date and time to refer how much time does the client has to wait until someone replies back.

    Conversation support tools

    Conversations contain certain tools, which can be very useful in certain scenarios.

    1. Room information: This option displays all the information detailed in the Room information section.

    2. Contact information: This section displays only the information regarding the customer.

    3. Search messages: This function allows you to search for a specific message within the conversation.

    4. Files: In this section you can perform specific searches for files sent within the conversation.

    5. Contact chat history: Allows you to view and search for messages that have been sent within the conversation.

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