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Android - Data verification
Open the data verification stage
After completing the M&E system assessment stage, the app return to the Track Entity Instance (TEI) dashboard, where it is possible to see details about the current entry:
Enrollment details.
The different stages and their respective number of events.
The status of the entry.
To start a new stage, in this case the data verification stage:
Tap on the “Plus” icon located at the side of the box.
Select “Add new”.
The next page must be fill in with the event date and the organization unit respective to create a new data verification event.
This stage has many fields grouped in six sections:
Availability and completeness
Data entry - accuracy - Period 1
Calculations - accuracy
Integrity, confidentiality and precision
Section: Indicator
In this section it is needed to choose which indicator will be assessed and its respective donor and project. If the donor and the project are not found, select other and a new blank field will be displayed for each one to type the donor and the project.
The selected indicator will appear in the header of the assessment.
The list of indicators shown must correspond only to the selected Health Area.
Section: Availability and completeness
In this section, integer number values should be typed for the three fields requested:
RDQA - Availability - Documents available.
RDQA - Availability - Documents expected.
RDQA - Completeness - Records complete.
The app automatically will show two calculated fields base on the values entered above:
RDQA - Availability - % of available documents.
RDQA - Availability - % of completed documents.
There is also a field to specify the number of photography evidence to add to the assessment: RDQA - How many images would you like to attach?, this is a required field and the option list goes from none to six. Depending on the selected number, new fields will appear to upload the images.
Section: DATA ENTRY - Accuracy - Period 1
Select the dates for starting and ending the reports, additionally, integer number values should be typed for the three requested fields:
Period 1 - Recount from source document.
Period 1 - Reported in summary report.
Period 1 - Reported in platform MIS or DHIS2.
To end the section, it is needed to select if there is a second report for data entry.
To add a new period, check “yes” in the checklist. The section allows a maximum of three periods.
Section: CALCULATIONS - Accuracy
This section is not needed to be filled due all the fields are calculated based on the responses given in the Data Entry section(s).
Section: Timeliness
In this section, integer number values should be typed for the three requested fields:
Number of expected summary reports.
Number reports on time.
The app automatically will show one calculated field based on the values entered above:
% of reports received on time.
Section: Integrity, confidentiality and precision
For the three displayed fields, select from the option lists the appropriate answer.
When the form is finished, tap on the save button to complete the Data Verification stage. Two options will be displayed:
Finish and complete: It will close the stage and no further changes can be made.
Finish: It will save the answers but remain the stage open.
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"RDQA Metadata Package" by Population Services International is in the Public Domain.