M&E system assessment
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    M&E system assessment

    The M&E System Assessment form will be displayed by default, this could be changed selecting “No” as option in the following field:

    After selecting that option, save the form and then it will be a new form displayed. This form contains two sections with twelve and five questions respectively, and all of them have six possible answers:

    1. Yes - completely

    2. Mostly

    3. Partly

    4. Rarely

    5. No -not at all

    6. N/A -not applicable

    At the end of the form are located three buttons with different call to action:

    • Complete: This action will allow saving the current stage.

    • Delete: This action will eliminate the responses given in the form.

    • Print form: This action will connect to the default printer to get the form in a physical copy.

    Under the buttons is a space for leaving notes about the current stage. It is possible to leave several notes if necessary.

    Select “Complete”, a po-up will be displayed asking a verification to complete the stage. There are three possible options:

    1. Complete: It will allow saving the current stage and return to the form window.

    2. Complete and exit: It will allow saving the current stage and return to the list of past entries view in the tracker capture app.

    3. Cancel: It will return to the form window.

    After selecting any of the complete buttons, the yellow box with the name and the status of the stage will turn gray and show the status “Completed


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