Completing Lessons

Completing Lessons

This section describes the user interaction while completing the lesson contents after creating a new account and enrolling in a course.


1. Starting a Lesson

As soon as the user completes the steps of creating a new account and course enrollments using the Moodle Chatbot App, the user is now able to select a lesson activity from Moodle:

Image 1. Course activities list.

Here, the user wants to select the Arithmetic Lesson 1, so number 2 must be typed to select the lesson:

Image 2. Moodle Chatbot App confirmation message before starting a Lesson

The user has two options:

  • Type 1 to start the [Lesson Name]

  • Type 0 to go back to the previous page

Type 1 to start the [Lesson Name]: option to start the lesson. The user can check the lesson name and type 1 to trigger the lesson activity flow.

Type 0 to go back to the previous page: allows the user to return to the course activities list (image 1).

2. Lesson Content

When the user is ready to take the lesson, from step 1. Starting a Lesson, the user must type 1 so Moodle Chatbot App starts sending the Lesson Content:

Image 3. Lesson activity started.

Here, there is a structure the user must note:

  • Header: details the name of the lesson.

  • Body: shows the content set up in Moodle platform. The body is set up in Moodle, and Moodle Chatbot App supports text, images, and videos:

Image 4. Lesson Body.

Moodle Chatbot App only supports images in JPG format and MP4 videos.

  • Actions:

    • Type 1 to continue.

    • Type 0 to go back to the modules list.

Type 1 to continue: If there is another page to continue the lesson, this option jumps to the next page.

Type 0 to go back to the modules list: option to return to the activities list (image 1).

In case there is another page to be displayed, 1 must be typed to continue to the next page so the user can complete the lesson:

Image 5. Lesson next page displayed.

3. Lesson Summary

When the user reaches the end of the lesson, the lesson summary is shown to the user:

Image 6. Lesson activity completed.

The bot provides the following information to the user:

  • Congratulations message: tells the user that the lesson activity is finished.

  • Module Summary:

    • Started on: date and time when the user started the lesson.

    • Completed on: date and time when the user completed the lesson.

    • Time taken: time elapsed between the user's starting and completion time.

  • Actions:

    • 1 - Go back to the course list

    • 2 - Show course summary

    • 3 - Repeat this module

On actions, the user has three options:

1 - Go back to the course list: Moodle Chatbot App returns the user to the Course Selection.

2- Show course summary: Moodle Chatbot App displays a brief Course summary:

Image 7. Course Summary.

Option 0 returns the user to the current course activities, and option 1 returns the user to the course list. For more information on the course list, refer to Course Selection.

3 - Repeat this module: Moodle Chatbot App returns the user to Completing Lessons.

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