

FAQs for End Users

End users must register via WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or messaging channel on which the chatbot has been installed. After registration, the user can enroll in any of the chatbot-compatible courses available in the Moodle instance. Contact your Moodle eLearning administrator for more information.

The privacy policies are defined by the organization hosting the chatbot.

During registration, the chatbot will collect the user’s first and last names and any other details the implementing organization may want to collect, such as gender and age. Additionally, the chatbot stores the user’s messaging platform ID, which is different by platform. We store the ‘conversation page ID’ for Facebook Messenger, which is unique to the user. For WhatsApp, we store the user’s phone number. This allows users to return to the chatbot and continue at the same point they left.

Courses are valid for as long as the server continues hosting them.

End users should contact their organizational e-learning support team. In most cases, he or she will be able to solve the issue by looking at the learner’s profile in Moodle.

End users should contact their organization's e-learning support team, who will be able to explain what’s currently active on the organization’s current Moodle setup or forward the request to the development group.

End users should contact their organization’s e-learning support team, who will be able to determine the nature of the problem and either provide a solution or contract the chatbot developers (details below)

FAQs for System Administrators or Developers

The chatbot is released under the GNU/GPL 3.0 open-source license, which allows any derivative work to be produced as long as the resulting work is distributed under the same license.

You can submit your ideas for new features at Git issues. You can also submit pull requests on your work on the Git repository.

Yes - we will be happy to consider your proposal. You can contact PSI DHM at dhm@psi.org

Please report the issue that you are experiencing as a Git issue.

Please report the issue that you are experiencing as a Git issue.

Please report the issue that you are experiencing as a Git issue.

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