Navigating - H2 Android

Navigating - H2 Android

When you log in for the first time, you may need to wait for the App synchronises data with the server, this may take a while depending on your internet connection speed, do not close, refresh or move away from the App screen during this time.

App Navigation 

At the top of the screen, you can access two different menus as shown in the screenshot below



Home (1)

Here you will find options relating to your personal account and the status of the App. 

  • Import QR Data - N/A for HNQIS 

  • Settings - Here you can see and change the settings of the App

  • Set pin:  You can set a four-digit pin that will block the current session and close the App.  When you re-launch the App you will be asked for the four-digit pin to access the App.

  • Log Out -  Click to log out of your user account and return to the log-in screen. 

  • Report Jira issue - Used to report bugs back to UiO.

  • About - Details of the version installed.



Filters (2)



Filters are useful for finding previously completed assessments.


Date - We provide quick preset filters as well as give you the ability to search between certain dates.  To search between two dates use the From - To option and enter the start and end dates using the pop-up calendars.


Filter Options



Org Unit

Provides two ways of filtering

  1. Free-text search - enter four or more characters and you will be presented a list of all matching results.

  2. Org Unit tree - Click on the icon on the right side of the Free-Text-Search box and use the plus icon to expand the tree and expose additional options.  


Click on the blue box to select one or more Org Units, you can also select one branch and view all sub-branched within by selecting the top branch.

Org Unit Filter Screen 1
Org Unit Filter Screen 2
Org Unit Filter Screen 3