FHIR resource link | |
FHIR definition | A request to convey information; e.g. the CDS system proposes that an alert be sent to a responsible provider, the CDS system proposes that the public health agency be notified about a reportable condition. This resource is a record of a request for a communication to be performed. A communication is a conveyance of information from one entity, a sender, to another entity, a receiver. The requester requests the sender to send the payload to the recipient. |
PSI use cases | Communication use cases include:
required properties | see below |
Extensions | Implemented: none Under consideration:
Sample payload (minimum set) | { "resourceType": "CommunicationRequest", "id": "924", "meta": { "versionId": "1", "lastUpdated": "2022-09-22T13:41:48.095+00:00" }, "status": "active", "priority": "routine", "medium": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "APPWRIT" } ], "text": "whatsapp" } ], "subject": { "reference": "Patient/202", "type": "Patient" }, "recipient": [ { "reference": "Patient/202", "type": "Patient" } ], "sender": { "reference": "Organization/736", "type": "Organization" }, "payload": [ { "contentString": "" }, { "contentString": "Hi a test message from FHIR" } ], "occurrenceDateTime": "2022-09-23" } |
Notes for CommunicationRequest FHIR resource, per property
Property | Required by PSI? | Notes |
PSI tags | YES [psi/fhir] | /wiki/spaces/DHM/pages/13992045 PENDING: implementation of this property |
status | REQUIRED[fhir] | draft | active | on-hold | revoked | completed | entered-in-error | |
priority | OPTIONAL[fhir] | routine | urgent | asap | stat |
medium | REQUIRED[PSI/fhir] | A channel of communication. We can use one of these codes: SMSWRIT or APPWRIT. In the future we could use another codes (https://terminology.hl7.org/3.1.0/ValueSet-v3-ParticipationMode.html) example for social media (code APPWRIT): [{ "coding": { "code": "SMSWRIT" }, "text": "SMS" }]
sender | REQUIRED[PSI/fhir] | Focus of message. Reference "sender": { "reference": "Organization/447", "type": "Organization" }, |
subject | REQUIRED[PSI/fhir] | Focus of message. Reference "subject": { "reference": "Patient/446", "type": "Patient" }, |
sent | REQUIRED[PSI/fhir] | When sent (datetime |
occurrenceDateTime | OPTIONAL[fhir] REQUIRED[PSI] | When scheduled (datetime Required One of both: occurrenceDateTime or occurrencePeriod |
occurrencePeriod | OPTIONAL[fhir] REQUIRED[PSI] | When scheduled (Period) Required One of both: occurrenceDateTime or occurrencePeriod |
recipient | REQUIRED [psi] | Message recipient. Reference Array. "recipient": [{ "reference": "fhir/Patient/446", "type": "Patient" }] |
payload | REQUIRED[PSI/fhir] | Message payload template(the message body). We have to send 2 elements.
"payload": [{ "contentString": "" }, { "contentString": "Hi {{patient.firstName}}, I´m a test message from FHIR" }] |