Export JSON Metadata
Clicking in the export JSON Metadata, the following modal should be displayed:
By default, the JSON Customization feature will be disabled. To activate JSON customization, simply toggle the switch.
Tracker programs:
The Target Server Offers Two Options for Tracker Programs:
Current Server: This option automatically selects the required settings for exporting JSON Metadata, ensuring seamless and accurate import into the current server.
Another Server: Opting for this choice automatically configures the JSON Metadata export for accurate utilization on an external server. It's important to note that the following options remain unselected:
Remove Sharing Settings
Remove all "Created By" and "Last Updated By" Fields
Remove Organization Units
Remove all "Date," "Last Updated," and "Created" Fields
HNQIS2 programs:
The Target Server Offers Three Options for HNQIS2 Programs:
Current Server: This option automatically selects the required settings for exporting JSON Metadata, ensuring seamless and accurate import into the current server.
Another Server: Opting for this choice automatically configures the JSON Metadata export for accurate utilization on an external server. It's important to note that the following options are selected:
Remove Sharing Settings
Remove all "Created By" and "Last Updated By" Fields
Remove Organization Units
Remove all "Date," "Last Updated," and "Created" Fields
HNQIS2-Enabled Server: This option automatically configures the JSON Metadata export for the enabled server. It's important to note that the following options are selected:
Remove Sharing Settings
Remove all "Created By" and "Last Updated By" Fields
Remove Organization Units
Remove every field related to “Categories”
Remove all "Date," "Last Updated," and "Created" Fields
Remove Legend Sets
JSON Customization:
To enable JSON customization, simply toggle the switch.
JSON File Objects
The JSON File object includes the following checkboxes, selecting a file object enabling the JSON attributes for the object:
Date: Refers to the specific date or time associated with an event or data entry.
Category Option Combo: Represents a combination of category options, used to classify and organize program data.
Category: A grouping mechanism for data elements, often representing a dimension like age groups or genders.
Data Element: Represents a piece of information being collected or reported, such as a specific health indicator.
Category Combo: A collection of category options, allowing for more complex data categorization.
Program Stage: Represents a distinct phase or step within a program, often reflecting a specific activity or event.
Tracked Entity Type: Defines the type of entity being tracked, such as patients or individuals.
Program Stage Data Element: Specifies the data elements used within a particular program stage.
Program Tracked Entity Attribute: Represents additional attributes associated with the tracked entity in a program.
Program: Refers to a specific health or data management program designed to capture and manage data.
Category Option: Represents specific values within a category, providing further context to data elements.
Tracked Entity Attribute: Additional attributes associated with tracked entities, contributing to a more comprehensive profile.
Program Section: Organizes program-related elements and data within a structured section.
Legend Set: Defines how data values are visually represented in charts, graphs, or maps.
Option Set: Defines a predefined set of options that can be chosen for a specific data element.
Option: A specific value within an option set, allowing for standardized data selection
Should an object remain unselected, the corresponding section within JSON attributes for that object will be displayed as disabled.
JSON Attributes Settings
The JSON attributes settings include the following items:
Remove sharing settings
Remove all “Created By” and “Last Updated By” fields
Remove organisation Units
Remove every field related to “Categories”
Remove all “Date”, “Last Updated” and “Created” fields
Remove Legend Sets
JSON Attributes by object
JSON Attributes by object:
File Object | Attributes by object |
File Object | Attributes by object |
Date | Date |
Category | attributeValues, categoryOptions, code, created, dataDimension, dataDimensionType, id, lastUpdated, name, sharing, shortName, translations |
Category combo | categories, code, created, dataDimensionType, id, lastUpdated, name, sharing, skipTotal, translations |
Tracked Entity Type | allowAuditLog, attributeValues, created, createdBy, description, featureType, id, lastUpdated, lastUpdatedBy, maxTeiCountToReturn, minAttributesRequiredToSearch, name, sharing, trackedEntityTypeAttributes, translations |
Program Tracked Entity Attribute | created, displayInList, id, lastUpdated mandatory, program,programTrackedEntityAttributeGroups, renderOptionsAsRadio, searchable, sortOrder, trackedEntityAttribute |
Category Option Combo | attributeValues, categoryCombo, categoryOptions, code, created, id, ignoreApproval, lastUpdated, name, translations |
Data Element | aggregationLevels, aggregationType, attributeValues, categoryCombo, created, createdBy, domainType, formName, id, lastUpdated, lastUpdatedBy, legendSets, name, sharing, shortName, translations, valueType, zeroIsSignificant |
Program Stage | allowGenerateNextVisit, attributeValues, autoGenerateEvent, blockEntryForm, created, createdBy, displayGenerateEventBox, enableUserAssignment, generatedByEnrollmentDate, hideDueDate, id, lastUpdated, lastUpdatedBy, minDaysFromStart, name, notificationTemplates, openAfterEnrollment, preGenerateUID |
Program Stage Data Element | allowFutureDate, allowProvidedElsewhere, compulsory, created, dataElement, displayInReports, id, lastUpdated, programStage, renderOptionsAsRadio, skipAnalytics, skipSynchronization, sortOrder |
Program | accessLevel, attributeValues, categoryCombo, completeEventsExpiryDays, created, createdBy |
Category Option | attributeValues, code, created, id, lastUpdated, name, organisationUnits, sharing, translations |
Program Section | access, attributeValues, created, externalAccess, favorite, favorites, id, lastUpdated, lastUpdatedBy |
Legend Set | attributeValues, id, legends, name, translations |
You can download both original and modified files
You can selelect and deselect all items
When moving from development to staging or production, we recommend you use the Export JSON option.
Read more about DHIS2 import/export app: metadata import.