Live Agents 1.1.0
IN PROGRESS April XX, 2023
Send media between agent and client (includes images, videos, audios, files, etc)
Hyperlink to view client data
Client is now being notified on how many people is waiting in the queue list
User registration: instead of waiting for agent or chat to be on queue list to update session data, the update must be done on registration flow.
Session data updates: now the sessions will be updated with a close status whenever the agent close the chat with the client.
Bug Fixes
Live Agents 1.0.0
RELEASE March 29, 2023
Integration with rapid pro
Integration with rocket chat
User registration to agent side
Send messages between agent and client
Agents from Rocket Chat can not send emojis
Agents from Rocket Chat can not send messages greater than 640 characters
Agents from Rocket Chat can not send media data such as videos, images or audios
Agents from Rocket Chat can not edit a message in the chat, instead, a new message will be sent
Client from Rapid Pro can not send media data such as videos, images or audios
Client from Rapid Pro can not send reactions given to an agent message
Sending incorrect department to the API request will result in a success
Sending incorrect UUID to the API request will result in success
Registering user into the agent side will not update session data with the actual room ID. You must wait for an Agent reply after register the user, so the user can then send messages to the agent
Github repository: Live Agents 1.0.0