The Export JSON Metadata allows selecting and deselecting specified options to make Export/Importing process. The Workflow is displayed in the Image 1.
To open the Export JSON Metadata, Select a Program and click on the three dots (1) a pop-up will appear, select Backup/Restore Option (2) and then Select Export JSON Metadata
Clicking in the export JSON Metadata, the following modal should be displayed:
(3). (See Image 2).
Export JSON Metadata
After selecting the Export JSON Metadata option, the form will appear, displaying the Target Server field and the option to activate JSON customization.
Info |
By default, the JSON Customization feature will be disabled. To activate JSON customization, simply toggle the switch. |
To enable JSON customization, simply toggle the switch (See Image 4).
JSON File Objects
The objects to be included in the JSON file will be determined by the user during the download process (See Image 5).
Here is an example of selectable objects:
Users can customize attribute settings by selecting or deselecting options (See Image6). Here's an example:
Remove sharing settings
Remove all “Created By” and “Last Updated By” fields
Remove organisation Units
Remove every field related to “Categories”
Remove all “Date”, “Last Updated” and “Created” fields
Remove Legend Sets
Users can customize attributes by selecting or deselecting options for the JSON file (See Image 7) . The table below provides examples of configurations that can be performed by the user:
File Object | Attributes by object |
Date | Date |
Category | attributeValues, categoryOptions, code, created, dataDimension, dataDimensionType, id, lastUpdated, name, sharing, shortName, translations |
Category combo | categories, code, created, dataDimensionType, id, lastUpdated, name, sharing, skipTotal, translations |
Tracked Entity Type | allowAuditLog, attributeValues, created, createdBy, description, featureType, id, lastUpdated, lastUpdatedBy, maxTeiCountToReturn, minAttributesRequiredToSearch, name, sharing, trackedEntityTypeAttributes, translations |
Program Tracked Entity Attribute | created, displayInList, id, lastUpdated mandatory, program,programTrackedEntityAttributeGroups, renderOptionsAsRadio, searchable, sortOrder, trackedEntityAttribute |
Category Option Combo | attributeValues, categoryCombo, categoryOptions, code, created, id, ignoreApproval, lastUpdated, name, translations |
Data Element | aggregationLevels, aggregationType, attributeValues, categoryCombo, created, createdBy, domainType, formName, id, lastUpdated, lastUpdatedBy, legendSets, name, sharing, shortName, translations, valueType, zeroIsSignificant |
Program Stage | allowGenerateNextVisit, attributeValues, autoGenerateEvent, blockEntryForm, created, createdBy, displayGenerateEventBox, enableUserAssignment, generatedByEnrollmentDate, hideDueDate, id, lastUpdated, lastUpdatedBy, minDaysFromStart, name, notificationTemplates, openAfterEnrollment, preGenerateUID |
Program Stage Data Element | allowFutureDate, allowProvidedElsewhere, compulsory, created, dataElement, displayInReports, id, lastUpdated, programStage, renderOptionsAsRadio, skipAnalytics, skipSynchronization, sortOrder |
Program | accessLevel, attributeValues, categoryCombo, completeEventsExpiryDays, created, createdBy |
Category Option | attributeValues, code, created, id, lastUpdated, name, organisationUnits, sharing, translations |
Program Section | access, attributeValues, created, externalAccess, favorite, favorites, id, lastUpdated, lastUpdatedBy |
Legend Set | attributeValues, id, legends, name, translations |
Info |